Puzzle Time!:O

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"Wowie, so are you human?" Papyrus asks, Sans answers for me because he knows I can't speak well, "Well I don't really know, they haven't said much." "Well maybe they'll be more comfortable to tell us over time!" Papyrus replies, "In the mean time...Are you interested in puzzles!?" I look up "Nyeh heh heh, I will take that face as a yes!" I look down the couch as Papyrus scatters the puzzle prices on the floor, "Oh I'm sure you will love this once the great Papyrus demonstrates his amazing puzzle skills!" "Heh, I'm sure they'll love it..." Papyrus looks up at his brother "Sans..." "To pieces!" "Brother!" Papyrus looked annoyed by his brothers puns as he set up the puzzle.

Sans then looks at me, "Anyways, you need a hand getting down so you can try the puzzle?" I was about to reply when something rushes through my head, there's a kid who's the same height as me and is wearing the same striped shirt as me but its green with yellow stripes, they start yelling "FRISK LEAVE, GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" the image then leaves my head and I'm back in the real world. Sans then asks "Aw kid what's that look for?" He has his hand held out to help me down but I push it out of the way and start climbing down myself.

"Oh are you sure you don't need any help getting down, I know you've probably have scaled tons of furniture before but its quite a drop, especially since you don't have your equipment on." As soon as he said that I start to lose my grip and I start to fall, I yell as I plunge down to the floor but just as I'm about to meet the floor  Sans catches me and Puts me in his other hand. "Geez kid you really know how to give this skeleton a good scare, really rattled my bones there." I sit down in the palm of his hand still shaking from the near death experience I just had. "You okay there bud?" Sans says followed by panicked Papyrus "Are you alright tiny human!?" I crack a smile and give a thumbs up to the brothers letting the know I'm okay.

Sans then sets me down on the ground next to the puzzle, "So human do you know how to do this puzzle?" I nod and pick up a piece and fit it into another "Excellent human!" *TIME SKIP TO NIGHT* Night rolled around and we were all ready to sleep Sans was carrying me into his room so we could sleep "Alright kid are you ready to sleep?" I nod sleepily "Alright then goodnight kid." He then sets me down next to him in his bed, he then turns off his lights and we both lay down to rest.

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