Chapter 2

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As they arrived,the meeting room was almost full with the others ultra warriors. One of them is greeting them.

??? : Oh, finally you guys are here. We were waiting for you.

Seven : sorry if we are late,Zoffy. The sudden message scared us a bit cause we were waiting for Mebius.

Zoffy : okay... but I don't see Mebius with you?

Leo : what are you talking about? He literally right

As the three of them look behind them,there were no one to be seen.

Leo : Where the heck is he??

Just as Taro almost going out from the room to search Mebius, someone just got there.

Cosmos : sorry we are late!

Taro : cosmos! Have you seen Mebius?

Cosmos : Hm? Oh, yea, He is here. *Point at Mebius who is just behind him*

Taro : there you are! Where were you?

Cosmos : well let's get inside the room first.

The three of them got in the room and was staring intently by everyone in the room. The young ultra feels like crying because of the stares he get. Cosmos saw mebius and immediately speak.

Cosmos : can you guys not stare at us? You making Mebius scared!

One of them start to talk as well.

Jack : sorry. But I'm kinda curious. What happened to Mebius head? It look like he fell or something because it looks swollen.

Cosmos : it because he slips or you can say he fell,it the same thing. I was on my way here but found Mebius who slip right behind them *Point to Taro, Seven and Leo*

Seven : wait what? He fell right behind us?

Taro : what I know is Leo was the one who is Infront of him. So he could at least hear somethings *said sarcastically*.

Almost everyone was looking at Leo who is dumbfounded. Leo had no words to say as he being stares by everyone.

Leo : I-i swear! I didn't know he fell!

Mebius : Please don't blame Leo- niisan. It's my fault that I fell.

Mebius who is sad that thinking it his fault for always starts a fight even tho it not his fault. Hikari that is sitting at the meeting table currently is watching Mebius and was shock to see something.

Hikari : Mebius! Your head is bleeding!

As Hikari is the only one that screaming, everyone Look away to Mebius that have blood dripping from his head.

Mebius : Hm? *Touch his head and look at his palm that was covered with blood* oh..

Everyone: OH?!

Ace : you literally bleeding and your reaction is "Oh" ?!

Mebius Surprised to see the reaction from everyone. Before he could speak, a blue ultra come to him and check his head

Hikari : shit. Cosmos! Why didn't you send him to medical wings?!

Cosmos : well I didn't know it would bleed!

Hikari : what hit his face?

Cosmos : I think it crystal maybe? I never saw it before and It does look sharp but it doesn't bleed when we were heading here!

The rooms fills with shout and noises. Mebius who is hearing this having mixed feelings. He feels like crying, angry and want to scream. But then suddenly.


The rooms become silent after one of them shout in anger. Zoffy walk to Mebius and pick him up.

Mebius : Ah! Nii-san!

Zoffy : If you guys can't take care something simple. I do expecting you guys dealing with a lot of works!

The room became silent after the two of them walk away from there.

Zoffy : are you okay,Mebius?

Mebius : I'm..okay, nii san. You can put me down now.

Zoffy : I will not put you down until we get there.

Mebius : where?

Zoffy : medical wings, of course. I will ask mother to treat your wound fast and then we will begin the briefing.

Mebius : oh..okay..

Arrived at the medical wings,they go to the highest office,mother of ultra's office.


Mother : come in!

Zoffy open the door with his other hand while still having Mebius in the other hand.

Mother : what's wrong? An accident?A fight? Ambush? *Worried*

Zoffy : he fell, mother. Just now his blood started to dripping.

The blood from Mebius head was stop from a cloth that Mebius hold at his head making it stop coming out.

Mother : oh my.. put him at the bed there. I will go gets some bandages.

Zoffy walks to bed and put Mebius down making him sit. Zoffy hold the cloth at Mebius head while mother is getting some bandages.

Mebius : I'm starting to feel dizzy, nii - san

Zoffy : it going to be are strong.

Mebius : I'm not strong. Just because I fell, my head bleed and I made a chaos. And you need to take me here by picking me up...

Zoffy was shocked to see Mebius response but keep silent until mother come. Mother then takes of the cloth from Mebius head and clean the wound first. Mebius cried a little because of the pain. Mother wrap his head with bandages and goes straight to her desk.

Mother : the wound look terrible. Can I know what hit his head?

Zoffy : cosmos was the one who found Mebius fell. He said he hit a crystal or something.

Mother : crystal? What kind of crystal? Was the crystal sharp? *Worried*

Zoffy : cosmos said he doesn't know what crystal it is and it is sharp but doesn't bleed until he reached the meeting room. Why? Is there something wrong mother?

Mother : it nothing.. it a good thing that you brought him here can go now, don't let it wet. Come here after the meeting so I can examine it.

Zoffy : okay mother. Come, Mebius!

Both of them got out from the office and straight to the meeting room again. Just a few meters away, they could hear a loud noises from the meeting room. Zoffy then change his expression and burst the door to make even more loud for everyone in that room to hear. Silent have come again just as they got in.

Ultraman : Ah,Mebius. How was your head? Is it really bad?

Mebius : no,it just a small wound, Nii -san

Ultraman :i'm glad you're okay

Zoffy : everyone please be seated. The meeting will be starting.

As everyone have been seated,the meeting has started.


I got to say,being a writer do be tiring.... Well I'm sorry if it boring or short! And I'm sorry for my grammar
English is not my first language!
Thanks for reading this! Hope you enjoy reading this.

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