Chapter 30

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Giving up?


MotherU : why do you always get into troubles?? *Pinch Zero's cheek*

Zero : Ah! Ah! Obāchan! It's hurt!

MotherU : *let go of Zero's cheek* it's dangerous! Your action can caught you in a terribly injured!

Zero : I'm sorry! *Holding his cheeks* at least I saved them! They are the one that will get injured more than me.

Taiga : but still, you should listen to Obāchan. Letting you alone getting hit by Akuma's power, might killed you!

Seven : I agree with Taiga. The effect to all of us, can be bad but at least we not gonna die. You alone? Who knows..

MotherU : it's might be healed soon but I want you to STAY here until you are fully recovered.

Zero : fine..

Taro : don't worry, Zero. We are not that weak. We can take care of ourselves.

Zero : *sigh*


Ribut is on his way tracking Akuma. With the information he got from the ultra brothers and Sora, he went to planet Orqax. When he arrived there, he was a bit shocked to see the situation there. Every place looks destroyed and abandoned. Lots of robots that already destroyed, lying on the ground.

Ribut saw a castle near him and went there to investigate. When he walks in, he heard someone groaning in a rooms near him. When he was peeking through the slightly opened door, he saw Akuma sitting right Infront of the mirror. Before Ribut could try to use his strong net, he heard Akuma speak.

Akuma(M) : I know someone is there, an ultra warrior. Come out before I kill you right where you're standing now.

Ribut a bit surprised when Akuma said that. He was a bit nervous when knowing Akuma will not hesitate to kill him too. Ribut then walks in and see Akuma standing there. Akuma look annoyed but also look exhausted.

Akuma(M) : seriously, I'm exhausted. You really want to fight now?!

Ribut : I don't think that is my real intention. I'm here to save Mebius but as everyone want, we might need to kill you.

Akuma(M) : Ha! Funny. You're weirdo. Never seen you before? I thought I knew everyone including the new generation. How about an introduction before I killed you? *Smile*

Ribut : hm.  My name is Ultraman Ribut! One of the Galaxy Rescue Force member! I am here to save Ultraman Mebius and capture you. I will kill if you if needed.

Akuma(M) : A Galaxy Rescue Force member,huh? Interesting. I would love to fight you and all but I'm too exhausted. Want to die early?

Ribut : no. Let Mebius go and surrender yourself.

Akuma(M) : don't get on my nerves, Ribut. I will never let my love go. Maybe I should just killed you here. Like if it's possible for you guys to kill me.

Ribut : why do you say that? Are you saying that you're scared?

Akuma(M) : IM NOT! *tried to punch Ribut*

Ribut : *dodge it* then? *Use Ribut Blocker to protect him from Akuma's attack*

Akuma(M) : Heh! You want to know it so badly isn't it? If you guys kill me, Mebius will DIE with me!

Ribut : WHAT- AH!

Ribut lost his focus when hearing that. He got hit by Akuma's kick. When Akuma was about to hit Ribut again. Ribut distracted Akuma and kick him. When Akuma was on the floor, Ribut was going to use his Strong net to capture Akuma but then someone interrupt him by shoot him with their power. Ribut falls down to the ground, groans in pain. His arm was injured by the attack. He moved away from them and sit up. He saw an Ultrawoman..but an evil one.

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