Chapter 23

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"Hikari is not that mean...right?"


It's already afternoon, Hikari already done half of his works. Hikari get out from his lab and goes to his dorm. When he entered his dorm,he saw Mebius still sleeping. He walk to Mebius and try to wake him up again.

Hikari : Mebius,wake up.

Mebius : hm..not yet..

Hikari : if you don't wake up now,your brothers will know what happened.

Mebius : I'm up!

Hikari : *chuckle* finally..

Mebius : Hikari! I thought you promised!

Hikari : yes but if you didn't wake up now, they will be so worried.

Mebius : hm..*see his body already bandaged* you did this?

Hikari : nah, Cosmos did.

Mebius : oh, well I think I will go now.

Hikari : huh? Are you serious? You literally got bandaged, they will definitely know you're injured.

Mebius : then what?

Hikari : how were something that cover those bandages. If they ask, you could have a fever?

Mebius : and what if they told me to let them see my body?

Hikari : just say, no. Simple.

Mebius : well,where do I get clothes from?

Hikari : wear my hoodie, they are big so can cover most of it.

Mebius : where did you get hoodie from? Do you even wear them?

Hikari : I got it from somewhere, I don't wear them cause it's big and it will be risky to wear them when I'm working.

Mebius : Are you sure they will not get suspicious? I don't see much people wearing clothes.

[Ultra doesn't really wear clothes,it just like accessories for them. Don't be dirty or something, their body not so inappropriate much. I don't know what I'm talking about either]

Hikari : don't worry, now let me grab them. *Open his closet and take out the oversized hoodie* here.

Mebius : alright*wear them* it's so big.

Hikari : alright,I think you can go now.

Mebius : thanks, Hikari..

Mebius went out from Hikari dorm. He then went to the Taro office.

Mebius : Taro -nii?

Taro : *turn around to see Mebius* MEBIUS!

Taro run to Mebius and hug him.

Mebius : ow!


Mebius : I..uh..just got back from Hikari dorm..

Taro : You should have at least tell us! We searched for you since yesterday! Zoffy -nii said that Hikari tell you to go to a mission. Could you at least please tell us before going anywhere..

Mebius : ( Hikari said that? ) I'm sorry..

Taro : *sigh* well, about the mission yesterday. How was it?

Mebius : um, well I do have to fight two monsters yesterday..( and Hikari help me.. ) and it goes well..

Taro : no injuries? I thought it just a monster,how can there is two?

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