The Wild Hunt

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It was a night just like this when they came,
Rain spluttering to the ground as same,
Wind anxiously running through trees,
A cold breath, a shiver send your spine as keys,
And you know you should be walking, fleeing
Otherwise as prey you will be seen.

It just opened, from another world a door,
Entering in ours, looking forward to horror in its core,
Them, they, the monsters of any child's dreams,
The riders of hell embracing your last screams.

No one sane could now answer this question,
Burning up in your throat, bubbling on your tongue,
They only claim the young souls,
Drawing or taking their photo was never a suggestion.

Their souls as dark as tethering foliage in the woods,
While rain and water erupts to terrific floods,
Wolves and foxes and banshees eagerly following their path of destruction,
Beatles and insects and wild animals running from the scent,
As they feel the subtle, deadly seduction,
Of the Wilder Hunt

Black and strong, bittersweet as slavic honey,
They don't hunt for the prey or the bunny,
That's how their horses are
While carrying the harbinger of death

The very rule lasts without exception,
Is a soul claim and long gone, taken and erased,
The environment altered, changed is the perception,
So their next victim shall be chased.

Hellhounds with eyes made of pure fire,
Sunken dead eyes, carved out but one desire,
One promise, one last mission
To accomplish;
Filling their ranks

Not one hand, not one human fist can be lifted,
At such attacking foul-reeking crime as that is,
Because they declared it so, a toy now gifted
To the universe, and trust it on this,
That it will return the favour.

Yes, no arrows, no swords or knives,
No claws no fangs, only a run might you with survives,
The strength, the will, their whistling and howling,
Whispering 'bout your erasing, about your easy fouling.

So that one fateful night, on lightning their were riding,
Bolts kissing their hands, wistfully guiding
Them to a new city, that will be covered in blood,
As water covers now it streets when in a thud,
They realised their terrible mistake

You see the wild hunt, may it come may it go when it pleases,
May it tear five or three apart, embrace the freezes,
They might rule the land, the enchanted forests with iron fist,
There is a careful reason, a balanced collection of twist,
Crafted by nature, the balance maintained,
They shall never travel above the sea,
As They would notice, quite constrained.

Their other half, the ying to yang, the darkness to the eruptions of eventual lightning,
As it is quite known:
The sky and sea don't mix as shown.

The Wild hunt followed their target, the damned marked
As they call the condemned also embarked,
Much to the disgrace of their neighbours on the ship.

They flew too lightly, wanted too much,
The nature upset, and in such,
Anger, gave them, the lords of the sky,
On the backs of their pretty horses,
The wrong road, the wrong way and in the end something to cry
The power gone, as their heads soon all would be.

With whips and illusions, enchantments of dread,
Their pistols so ancient, the bullet cold out dead,
They never disappeared in a bloody mess,
No tears behind, no corpses to shuffle at their success,
A cloud of green smoke marking the way they stood and lost,
Declaring their new fate, a fate worse death,
At a crueller cost.

They don't kill, they are no murderers,
Unlike the others, their final opponents.
You cannot fight them but They can

War the only answer


Embracing The Madness: HORRORحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن