Preamble: Our Holy Manifest

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Once upon a time, when evil lay upon the earth in gauges and bubbles, the light faded quicker to darkness than darkness gave away to light and the borders parting one Dolorm from another, in fact Dolorm himself as a seed, had not been conceived nor his parents or even parent's parents.

 The Lady, our mother, was a witch, a mortal, just like us, with red blood in her veins, a beating heart and dreams spun by fortuity, walking and grazing onto the same soil and earth as we do now. Soil and dirt claimed by neither mice and men, peace and tranquillity was tangible enough, mankind still died fro and lo, for the terrible curse of immortality had not been grasped and hopefully will not till over this very day of cautioning the story, plague and mischievous harvests held the numbers steady and constant, the elements and weather malefic entities keeping the humans much like cattle compliant and put into respective places, yet just as much gave and gifted, where they took and bereave. 

There was fortunes and misfortunes, to feed or getting fed on, there was the utmost balance. No man under the stars could rule those above his head or under his feet, only influence in fickle deed what was then and equally now, what would be and what could come, yet not what lay unforgiving in the past.In our ladies veins ran like gushes and gulls of water clattered over a waterfall a spark, as fiery as the eye of the tempest, and as mighty as one might say the fire itself.

And from a fire it burned to a blazing terror, menacing to devour along everyone else. The power was inexplicably delicious; Seas and creeks parted at her instruction, snow and hail threatening to spill over and drown tamed helpless kittens, purring now only on behalf of her order. The old ornery roses hued in nuisances of dusk brewed and sprouted like young buds when she slipped amidst and between and not only the unchangeable impressed at the burgeoning power simmering beneath her fingertips. It was as if every young man in her hamlet had been irrevocably put under a spell, deeming her the most enchanting woman and the dire attention she spun turned every head. Their emotions and sentiments at hand were nothing more an obstacle intricate than to make the earth tremble astrain her footsteps. She felt as if being the bearer of the world, the true subduer of the universe, the emperor seated for a throne, for no breathing creature abled to relish in even the slightest grain of her power.

Though a mortal shell suffered desperately endowed with such splintered greatness, that'd tear her apart piece by piece and the world as they'd grown cognisant. She'd scream awake, clawing at her duvets and blankets, tears bitterly burning paths of retribution and madness to the future she glimpsed in her prophetic dreams. Her flesh turned sour and sore, her lungs burned and quickened, until it was pure tendrils of energy, fire and light she'd breathe.

Such power was given to her thoughtlessly perhaps, but with a sure meaning; Such power had to be safely parted, or she'd waste away alone in darkness otherwise.

The woman prepared twelve golden goblets filled barely to the brim with irate wine of too early plucked grapes, for might required struggle, sweetening it with honey to expose her gentleness, adding a singular rose petal into each for loyalty and obedience, for of course if she could not keep all that power to herself, she might as well rule over all of those who do. And who better to entrust than her own family, her twelve siblings.

She reunited them all when the full moon ushered in its zenith, the horizons lay dark and forgotten, not hinting which was which and which would be which, broken and shattered with cascades of light that would come.

The Lady benevolently watched her mortal siblings drink the concoction and rapidly transforming much alike to her figure; Entities destined to warp the sky and conceal the stars for all they liked it, fated to outlast the grim lives of all their neighbours, born for something grander and better. And more importantly; being capable to banish their foes or any effort spent on enmity questioning their superiority.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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