The Tribrid (I)

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Please note that I wrote this in my The-Original-Fanbase-phase. The following content might cause discomfort, cringe and the overcoming urge to defenestrate your laptop. You have been warned. Neither WattPad or me will compensate for the damage and destruction that might follow after savoring this specific kind of content. 

Do I regret writing this in retrospect? Absolutely. Will there be a Part II? Absolutely. 

Due to unfortunate lack of content and my own personal writer's block, I got through editing with only so much as three times vomiting, 5 panic attacks and the definitely legal usage of steroids. 

Do I overestimate the effects my story will cause? Hell yeah, my name represents such actions. 

Am I joking? Needless to indicate and now enjoy :)


I screamed, I roared, I yelled, sprung at the door countless times, ranted profanities at the little camera and hit this stupid glassdoor a hundred times until my blood streamed out of my hands like a powerful current.

The cuts and the bites on my arms were only slowly healing, caking my basic item of clothing being a black shirt with more blood. I looked like I just killed someone.

Gosh, how much I wish I could kill them. How much I would fucking kill them.

All of them.

My wolf stirred and growled behind my skin, after being abused, kicked and destroyed the past days, it was over, my patience was flaking away, trickling in small dots away, just like my precious blood is leaving my body.

My heart was in shatters, but I would only let the rage through, the burning rage that turned my insides into pure fire, my inner wolf howling as I tried to convulse in it, let it go, you may say.

The drugs may have put our roaring flames to a candle light level, but I was so fucking done, done with self-hate and the intrusive thoughts swirling in my head, ushering me into believing I deserved this.

That I deserved getting my ribs crushed by a bus, deserved getting eaten alive and whipped by an iron claw, until I screamed my throat sore and was threatened to asphyxiate on my own blood.

"Wanna see a beast? You'll fucking get one!" I growled before punching clean through the glass.

Pieces of glass cut deep in my left arm, I couldn't care less about this little simplicity.

I have bled and suffered more, and the blood won't anyway ever stop flaring around me, I would never prevent the carnage around me, even if it would be my own liquids I pay the price too.

I retracted my arm, the pain only adding to my immortal despair, to the hell under my skin, my pulse racing so harsh, I couldn't tell the beats apart.

It was the sound of battle, a high-pitched trumpet, announcing the murders and many, many deaths.

My entire being was ravished to get their teeth on warm, strong muscles, to feel the blood of our foes gliging down our throat.

I hammered at the door, feeling my eyes glow a dark orange, the colour of a beta, but it wasn't enough. I was not strong enough to break a whole 12 inch milky glass.

But I knew I was going to die if I stayed longer and I... couldn't. I wouldn't be able to handle that.

It'd break me.

Well, maybe I shouldn't think they literally would let me die without consequences. They will definitely take my limb body to a fireside; So much is expected when to annihilate all dangers that may or may not cause the apocalypse, albeit a goal they wanted to claim, yet in an another fashion than an immortal, unstoppable force fucking up the laws of nature, deterr more limits and cross than foreseen.

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