1: "It was fuckin' iconic."

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*Just like in DG, the girls got names their children call them;
Leigh - Ma
Jade - Mama
Jesy - Mum (Davos calls her Bubba)
Perrie - Mummy
You - Star

Afterwards, a buzzer goes off signaling a commercial break.

Jesmine's phone goes off in her pocket and she checks it. "Star said Felix is here," she reads before putting it back. Her twin groans, "Why Felix? He smells like hot dog water and dish soap."

Jaden chuckles, "Switch that dish soap with air freshener. That's more accurate." His siblings agree with laughs of their own.

The children make their way to the parking lot, ignoring the paps like their parents told them to. Though, Dany was giving the cameras what they wanted and serves face, leaving no crumbs.

When they finally make it to the limo, they take off towards their next destination.

"Are we going home, now?" Davos finally says after being quiet for a while. Jaya, who's pretty nurturing towards the tall boy, smiles at him. "Not right away, we're meeting Star, Ma, and Mama at that fancy restaurant then we're all going home together."

He furrows his thick brows, getting upset, "Bubba's not there?" Dany then speaks, playing on his phone, "She's with Mummy, Dav. Calm down, it's like you can't go a second without her."

Jesmine, who was next to Dany, smacks his arm. He looks at her, holding the sore spot, "Ow! What the hecking fuck, Jes?"

She just hits him again, "You act like you weren't under Mama until you turned 13, which was two weeks ago." Dany sucks his teeth and goes back to his phone, earning another smack on the arm.

"Ow! Stop fucking hitting me!"

Jaden then steps in, "Dany, you've been hard on him all morning." He steals a glance at his youngest brother next to him, who was playing with the rings on his finger.

One being his mother's old ring from her earlier days.

Yeah, it's known Davos loves his Bubba. He still cuddles with her and sits next to her during movie nights. He still holds her hand and still cries for her.

He's a proud momma's boy, but Dany thinks it's childish. Then again, they just turned 13, so being a teenager already went to their head.

As said, they were under their mother for a while as well.

Dany looks his way, feeling guilty at the saddened look on Davos's face. They sigh, "I'm sorry, Dav. And I'm sorry for this morning." Davos then looks up, eyes slightly red as if he's gonna cry.

"It's okay," he says in a soft voice. "Wanna eat junk and watch a movie in the theater room?" Dany asks and the younger boy nods.

Minutes later, they arrive at the restaurant where their parents were already waiting.

Honestly, they all still look like they're in their 20s, despite being their mid-40s.

Once Felix pulls in front of the trio, they all filed out with Jaden being first and Jaya being last. Y/N thanks the driver before he takes off then guides her children to the car.

Leigh got behind the wheel with Y/N in passenger and Jade entertaining them in the back.

"How was the interview?" She asks, earning different responses. "Dav did a head spin! It was fucking iconic," Dany says and the others agree, making the youngest shy like before.

He was seated in the back, so everyone was looking back at him. Jade smiles at their youngest son, "Really? Were you scared?" He bites his top lip, nodding. "Yeah, but they helped me."

"Because we're the best," Jaya flips her long curls, hitting her twin in the face. "Watch your weave, bitch," she jokes and Jaya flips her off.

"My shit is real. Facts stated," she mocks, causing the adults to chuckle at them.

Now, the parents let's them express themselves however they want. Cursing was allowed; as long as they don't curse at their parents, it's all good.

Dany then starts singing, "So run your hands through my hair. Baby, 'cos that's why it's there." Jaden, who was next to him, joined in.

His singing voice is similar to his mother's; everyone's reaction to her first time singing is how people reacted to his. Think Marvin Gaye with a more bluesy undertone, that's Jaden Perry for you.

Naming him after her was a perfect fit.

Though, Dany has pipes too; the boys sing together for fun, but harmonizes perfectly.

Born stars.

The Estrellas make it home and Davos was eager to get out. Once they parked, they all file out and the youngest ran for the door. Y/N sighs quietly, "He's not gonna leave the house for the next year, now. We shouldn't have made him."

Leigh places a hand on her leg assuringly, "One of the causes was his idea."

Y/N runs a hand through her short, dark curls, "The show itself is gonna be hard on him, though. I know it's a small sacrifice for a good cause." Leigh smiles when she quotes the introverted boy.

She then leans in and kisses her softly, "Don't worry, we're raising them right, baby." Y/N nods, feeling less anxious.

The couple exit the car just as a well known red car pulls into the gated residential. They park next to them, playing 80s music. The women inside were singing along loudly.


The kids, who were just waiting patiently by the door, look to see it's their remaining parents. Davos's eyes widen as he runs towards the car.

"Bubba, Mummy!" He shouts loud enough for them to hear.

He hurries to her side and opens her door once she turned the car off. His mother smiles as she steps out.

He leans down a bit so she could hug him and kiss his cheek. "How was your day, Davie?" She asks, taking his hand. While he talked about the interview, Y/N unlocked the massive home, allowing them access.

"I'm hungry as hell," Jesmine expresses, going to the kitchen. "Saaaame," Dany says, following after her.

Jaden then turns to his mothers, "Mama, can you make mince and dumplings tonight?" Jade side hugs him as they all head to the kitchen, "Mhm. Wanna help with the dumplings?" Jaden hums while nodding excitedly.

Y/N stood in the doorway, watching her beautiful family with a soft smile.

A lot's happened in the last 15 years; mostly good.

Beautiful babies. Beautiful weddings. A beautiful home. Beautiful moments. More beautiful babies.

Just looking at them converse and laugh makes her very happy.

They start filming for the show the next day, and hopefully, everything goes well.

*What y'all think of the story so far?

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