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~hi thank you if you're still reading I know I haven't updated in ages and I haven't really got an excuse sorry and enjoy!~

It's been two days and hunter has still not left.Two days.Let me tell you that the amount of annoying sympathetic looks I get from him daily are just boiling up my anger until I burst and I assure you that I will however, I am trying to not yell at him because in all honestly he is really the only person that hasn't given up on me , but on the other hand I have only known him for about a week, because even my granny has stopped trying to make me happy.

It's 3am and I am still awake. I'm sad , angry and boiling hot thanks to the 6ft 4 fucking mike-ro-ave ( see what I did there;) ) lying on top of me and yeah when I'm feeling a bit down and we're about to go to bed an he lets me cocoon myself within him and my covers its cozy and soft and warm and safe. My perfect place. Yet it's turns into the fucking depths of hell after ages and I just want to live in Antarctica.
"I shout write something" I muttered to myself while carefully wiggling out of hunters strong grip ; surprisingly this boy is a very heavy sleeper ,you could chuck him down the stairs I you wanted to therefore I must be able to get out of his grip without waking him right ? Well wrong guess who is the lucky one that gets all his extra heat and when I so much as breath unevenly next to him his up like a fucking dog is up for a walk and checking if I'm okay and it's like calm your fucking nipples you know ? I just wanted a but more air in my lungs.

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