Chapter 4

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Cameron's POV

What was taking them so fucking long? It was a quarter after five. They were supposed to be back fifteen minutes ago.

Cara was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. She was beautiful inside and out. She had the prettiest brown hair, they smelt like vanilla, well, all of her smelt like vanilla. She had the prettiest tan skin, a bit more on the dark side, i was pretty sure she was part Thai, the biggest brown eyes, I could tell she was insecure of her nose, it was a bit big, but it looked great on her face, and she had these full pink lips that I'd die to kiss.

"- Cameron?"

"Uh huh, sure thing" I muttered, still stuck in my daydream

"Then pass it, dumbass" Weston replied

"What? What'd you ask?"

Oh you are so whipped

So are you, I turned the tables on my wolf

"The salt idiot. Pass the salt. Do you want to eat unseasoned meat?"

Looking down at the carrot that I was chopping a million questions buzzed around my head, does she like pasta? I should've asked her what she wanted for dinner. Did she like beef? Maybe she doesn't eat beef. Did she like carrots? Maybe she's allergic to carrots.

Weston snorted from beside me, "she certainly isn't allergic to carrots" he said while adjusting the stove, "you know, you whisper pretty loudly when you panic" the bitch was laughing while I was sweating my balls off, "you really are sweating your balls off" he muttered, just as I was about to give him a good reply the front door opened.

Thank fucking god she's ok

Hurrying over I saw a passed out Cara in a multitasking Grayson's arms. While holding about three bags, as well as Cara, the man managed to open the front door, he certainly did go to the gym once or twice a week more then me, he owned gyms for god sakes. He was slightly more buff, but I had the brains, I could take him out any day.

Walking towards him, I gave him a glare, "what's wrong now, big brother? I bought her things, and bought her back home, so maybe I'm a bit late, but I promise it was all her fault," he nudged his nose closer to her sleeping state.

"Shut the fuck up and hand her over." I grumbled,

"What? What's wrong now?" He asked, clearly annoyed

"You. You're what's wrong. First, you're late. I don't care if it's her fault, you took her responsibility, second, you opened the door while hold Cara and bags, what if she fell?"

"I'm capable of holding my mate, Cameron, thank you very much"

Ignoring his interruption I got to my third point, "Third, you took her shopping to Old Navy, I asked you whether or not you had money on you. You could've told me, I could've given you my card"

Now he was raging. His face was beetroot red, "if you weren't holding my mate, I'd rip your head off, you ignorant piece of shit!"

"Still doesn't explain why my girl had to go to Old Navy when I could've taken her to fucking Chanel." I smirked, knowing I was pissing him off, I was picking a fight. Weston wasn't giving me one so I found one with Grayson, I knew well that the only reason he'd ever take her to a cheap place is if she made him. I knew Grayson hated people interfering in his financial problems, he didn't have any now but I rember when he did how dad pestered him for leaving the family business, and that being the reason he was struggling with money. It was a low blow. But I was a jealous fucker. I was jealous that she wanted to go out with him, that she liked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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