The First Musketeer of Star Base 12 Dies

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Lord Thomas William Howard, the great-grandson of Lord Andrew Charles Howard who becomes Duke of Northumberland Territory at the age of 20 years old in 2270 doesn't marry in 2288 and with his beautiful wife, Lady Ida Georgiana Grey have three children, Lord Phillip Edward Howard, his father's heir, in 2290, Lady Thomasina Ida Howard in 2295, and Lord Andrew Charles Howard II in 2300.

Lord Thomas William Howard doesn't marry until he is 47 years old and his wife,Lady Ida is some 30 years younger than he is and she was born in 2265 and she is 23 years old when she marries Lord Thomas William Howard in 2289 and Lady Ida is the youngest of the three daughters of Lord Edmund Grey, Duke of Suffolk Territory.

After Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill turns Lord Thomas William Howard down he seeks the hand of Lady Ida Grey, and she accepts his marriage proposal and they don't have their first child until two years after they are married.

Lord Phillip Edward Howard was born in 2290 and Lord Thomas William Howard was 50 years old at the time of his eldest son's birth and he was 55 at the time of his daughter's birth and 60 at the time of his youngest son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard II's birth in 2300.

Lord Thomas William Howard, Duke of Northumberland is the first of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Carey nee Lowell's three musketeers to die and he dies in 2320 at the age of 70 years old.

Lord Frederick William Howard III, Lady Karissa and Lord Richard William Carey his third cousin along with Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane, Duchess of Norfolk Territory, Lady Karissa Ann, Lord Frederick William Howard IV,and Lord Richard Edward Howard III and Lord Richard Edward Howard IV carry his casket to be laid to rest next to his father, Lord Edward Howard, his grandfather, Lord Phillip Howard and his great-grandfather, Lord Andrew Charles Howard to the Howard-Mausoleum at Norfolk Estate.

Lord Frederick William Howard III and Lord Richard William Carey, Lord Richard Edward Howard III, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane watch their third cousin be laid to rest next to his father, grandfather, and great grandfather.

Lord Thomas William Howard, Duke of Northumberland governed from 2270-2320.

Lord Richard William Carey with Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and Lord Richard Edward Howard III who were his third cousins watch as his casket is lowered into the vault and Lord Frederick William Howard III with his son, Lord Frederick William IV and Lady Karissa, who is Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and Lord Richard Edward III place a bouquet of white roses after it is closed.

Lady Karissa who was 60 years old at the time of his death cries out " Good Bye my dear musketeer."

Lady Ida Georgiana Howard nee Grey his widow is left to care for Lady Thomasina Ida Grey who was born in 2295 is now 20 years old and their youngest son,Lord Andrew Charles Howard II, is only 15 years old.

Lady Ida who was born in 2265 is 55 years old and Lord Phillip Edward Howard takes care of his mother and two siblings and he makes sure that his sister marries for love and his little brother.

Lady Ida Georgiana Howard nee Grey passes away in 2340 at the age of 75 years old some twenty years later and her son, Lord Phillip lays his mother next to his father out at Norfolk Territory but this time with him is Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard who is Duchess of Norfolk Territory and Lord Andrew Charles Howard III, Duke of Lancaster Territory as both Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and her daughter, Lady Karissa Ann have abdicated in favor of Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard who is 20 years old.

Lord Thomas William Howard is the first of the Three Musketeers of Star-Base 12 to pass away, and he is followed by Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory in 2331, one year after the death of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard-Carey nee Lowell and Lord Andrew Charles Howard, and finally Lord Frederick William Howard III passes away in 2332, and he is the last of the Three Musketeers of Star-Base 12 to pass away.

Lord Thomas William Howard, Duke of Northumberland TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now