Jingle Bells

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Peter was proud of the details of his work. He had a drawing of Stanzler's museum on the table and explaining it all to his wife, with the help of wooden cubes and a little metal figure for the priceless items on display.

"The emergency exits are here, and here. There's only one entrance to the exhibit and a service corridor."

El nodded, impressed. She leaned her head to the side, making her long hair fall back from her face.

"If you're not planning on robbing the museum, why would you need to know all this?"

"It's my 'in', to impress Stanzler."

"You know, it's sexy watching you plan a heist."

Peter looked at the love of his life. She was sexy listening to his plans.

"Yeah? Think I should go rogue?"


Peter chuckled. He took his suit jacket and put it on.

"All right. Say goodbye to Peter Burke." He adjusted his collar, aiming for a casual yet elegant pose and impression the kid had. "Hi. I'm Caffrey. Neal Caffrey." El stifled a laugh. Not the response he had hoped for. "What?"

"Nothing." Her grand smile said something else.

"You don't like my Neal."

"Well," El said, gesturing with her hands, "he sort of has a way of, I don't know, pulling you in when he talks. A kind of quiet, sexy whisper."

He trusted El, but he was not keen on hearing her speak of Neal as sexy. He and the kid were different in so many aspects, and if she found his pet convict attractive, what was left for him?

"Oh, sexy, huh?"

"And he doesn't put his hands on his hips," El pointed out, and Peter removed his hands, adjusting the slacks, trying to remember where Neal had his hands.


"He gets people to do what he wants by charming them. He doesn't rely on a badge."

"Really?" Peter sat down, meeting the eyes of the woman he shared his life with, whom he adored, loved, and wanted to share his bed with forever. "Well, you are so smart. You have all the answers, and I couldn't do this without you."

The look he got in return made him want to take her upstairs right away.

"Much better." She gave him a kiss on the mouth. He winked. Duty called, and he rose. "Oh, honey? You're gonna have to take off your wedding ring."

He had been so lost in thoughts about El that it had not crossed his mind. The heat between them was lost for now. She held out her hand.

"I am." He pulled it off and put it in her hand. "Feel naked without it."

"Maybe you could wear a hat."

He growled. No, no, no. No hat. He would just feel ridiculous.

He left the house and walked towards the museum, wondering where and when he would feel like Neal and not like Peter Burke doing an imitation.

The kid met him on the way, within his radius. Peter stopped and stared at the young con man, who stood with his hands on his hips and pushed out his chest in an effort to imitate Peter's body posture. But he and the kid was not built the same way. When the young man pushed his chest out like that, it gave him the profile of a chicken or a duck.

"So, Neal, you're prepared to meet Stanzler?" the kid asked.

"We're alone," Peter pointed out.


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