Chapter Two: Jessica

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It's August seventeenth.

I recall what happened on this day last year. A lot has happened in a year. I wonder if I would choose to do it all again, had I known everything that was going to happen.


I wake up to my alarm and reluctantly get up to start my day. New school, new people, new environment. I hate new things; and I hate change. Yet here I am, being forced to adjust to change. I walk inside the crowded school and I already know; I'm going to hate today.

I go through my day not looking up because it's easier that way. I just sit quietly and read my book and do my work and only talk when necessary. And I never look up, like I said. I never look people in the eyes. It's easier to never look people in the eyes. It makes you invisible. And people don't bother you when you're invisible. Blend in, blend in, blend in. I tell myself this over and over again until it is ingrained in my mind. This has been the mantra for my life. Blend in, blend in, blend in. But you can't blend in when someone looks you directly in the eye.

Fifth hour. Finally, just three more hours to go, and then I'm out of here. I walk into the library to find our psychology teacher telling us where to sit. I hear my name and head over to my assigned chair. That's when I hear it.

"David Beck."

What kind of name is that? I look over and see Him. Piercing brown eyes that make me lose track of my thoughts, fluffy brown hair, with freckles on the top of his nose. Shit. This boy is going to break my heart, isn't he?

Throughout the class, we keep making eye contact. The teacher keeps making jokes that are only funny because of how bad they are. I laugh along stupidly and he and I make eye contact every single time. And every single time, my whole world stops. It's like the whole world is frozen in time and the only thing that matters is those piercing brown eyes. In that moment my entire world turns upside down. So much for not looking anyone in the eye.

I lose track of time but, eventually, the bell rings and it is time for sixth hour. I pull out my phone and check my schedule again. Spanish two with Caballero. Okay. I start to gather my things but I'm stopped by a voice saying my name.

I turn to see David, once again.

"What's your sixth hour?" He asks me.

"Spanish," I reply

"That's next to the German room, right?"

"I don't know."

"I'm pretty sure it is. I can walk you. My locker is right next to the classroom."

"Oh, okay," I say, and I fall into pace beside him. We walk down the hall and to his locker. He gestures to a door and I walk in.

"Bye, David," I say quietly before leaving. "Thank you."

As I walk to a desk towards the middle of the room, my book already in my hand, I hear a girl's voice.

"Hey, David Beck," she says.

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