Chapter Four: Jessica

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As I open back up the book I love to immerse myself in, I hear a noise. I look up and see the girl from earlier. She knows him.

"Hey," she says "It's Jessica, right?"

Who is this girl and why is she talking to me?

Wait, I know her. Her name is Persaus or something and she is in some of my classes. I nod silently, not wanting to say too much just yet.

"Well, guess what, Jessi—Can I call you Jessi?"

I shrug and nod. No one has ever given me a nickname. No one bothers to learn your name when you're invisible.


"I just got to talk to my crush!"

She has a crush on him. Shit. Pretend, Pretend, Pretend.

"You have a crush on David Beck? Why?" I ask, even though I know why.

She gasps. "You know David?"

"Yeah. He's in my Psychology class."

"Oh. That's his fifth hour, right?"


"Well, that's cool, I guess."

"I guess."

For the rest of the hour, I try and figure out what the heck just happened. No way she has a crush on him. I mean sure he's conventionally attractive but he can't be that special right? He can't be. He isn't. He isn't. He isn't.

We spend the next hour giggling and trying to do our assignments. She keeps giving me corrections because I'm not great at spelling even though Spanish is my first language. I've never bothered to learn how to spell it. We don't talk much but I can tell this girl is nothing like me. Sure, we have our similarities, but she has this energy that pulls others in. I have an energy that pushes others away. By the end of the hour, we say our goodbyes and that's when it hits me. That is when I realize that I am no longer invisible

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