Epilogue: The Journey

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6 months later

I open my eyes and look around the basement. I'm still stuck down here, but it's renovated to resemble an actual bedroom. I have a black triple dresser with a mirror on it for all my clothes, and a black four poster bed with lilac transparent curtains, along with lilac sheets and a dark purple comforter. The floor is black carpet, and the walls are a pale lilac with black lines painted over, stretching out, looking like veins or tree branches.

I pull myself out of bed, and head over to my triple dresser, grabbing out a pair of black jeans and a black button up shirt. I pull out a dark purple tie and fasten it loosely around my neck, still leaving room for my iconic black choker to be seen. I grab my purple hoodie and put it on, along with my purple sneakers, and finish my outfit with my signature earrings and hair ties around my wrists. I brush my hair and let it stay loose around my shoulders. It just feels right, especially since it's grown out a little. I glance down at my right arm and gently run my fingers over the immortal wound. Since then we've worked out a deal so he won't open it, but I still think I'll feel some pain today.

My seventeenth birthday. I never thought it would look like this. The ceremony will be held here, at the Mauro estates, as opposed to the circle headquarters, because they want me to feel as safe and comfortable as possible. Despite having gained significant control over my magic and abilities these past six months, the circle is still wary. I mean I can't blame them, but it still hurts, knowing that they don't fully trust me yet.

I sigh and head upstairs into the living room and kitchen area. Mother is cooking breakfast, and William is sitting on the couch, fussing over his tablet. In some ways I feel like we haven't changed at all.

"Morning," I greet, and both my parents turn their heads to greet me.

"Morning Kain!" Mother waves back, pausing cooking to smile at me.

William glances up at me and averts his eyes, muttering, "Good morning."

I sigh. Ever since I stood up for myself and declared that I was his heir, things have been like this. 

He teaches me magic, but outside of lessons he barely speaks to me. I don't know if he's just ashamed that I'm his son, or I fill him with regret because he's ashamed of what he did to me, but either way, he can barely look at me.

I sit down at the counter, and grab the plate of food my mother hands me. I eat it as he comes up to the counter, grabs a plate, and goes back to sit on the couch. We eat quickly, and once I finish up I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put my deodorant on. Once again, I find myself staring at my reflection in the mirror. My face has filled out some, now that I'm eating three meals a day, and my eyebags have lightened up quite a bit, though not completely as I spend many a night studying away, trying to learn as much magic as I can.

I look alive, like an actual person, and that fills me with so much joy that I can't help but smile at myself.

I walk back out of the bathroom and sit back down at the counter, waiting for the other circle members to arrive. Most of them won't be arriving for another hour, but Jayden agreed to come earlier so we could see each other. With all my training outside of school, and us being in different grades, we rarely get to spend any time with each other. Now that I have friends, I have to rotate who I spend my lunches with, since I need to actually go to school.

On Monday's I eat with Mr. Jade, who is now raising his nephew Kell after his brother, sister-in-law, and niece died in a mysterious fire. Tuesday's are lunch with Lune, where we gush about our favorite music, and just enjoy the sights. We usually go to fun, exotic food places, like niche asian restaurants that are littered around LA. I spend Wednesday Lunches with Marius, and they're not actually as bad as I thought they would be. Once you get past the harsh outer exterior, he's actually a really nice guy who genuinely cares about his friends. Sometimes we'll go out and have lunch with his sister too, but most of the time it's just the two of us, sitting in a really high end Mexican or Italian place. Thursday lunch is probably the worst, as I spend that with Nitro, as part of our deal. They're not really enjoyable, as he spends most of the time trying to convince me to sign a contract. Sure, he can't force me into one now, but that doesn't mean he won't try to woo me. Friday's are definitely my favorite, as I get to spend them with Jayden. I wish I had more time with him though, so I'm glad he's coming early today.

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