Chapter 3: The Middle, Part 2

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The Next Morning

My eyes open to the dark basement once again. It's empty, and I shiver in the cold. I try to sit up, and groan in pain. My arm is on fire, and my back is unbearably sore. I walk over to my pile of clothes, and look up at the wall right above them. There's a clock, and it says 6:00 am. That's nearly an hour earlier than I normally get up, but I decide to get dressed anyway. I pick out a black and gray striped t-shirt, white and purple jean shorts, matching socks, and my favorite purple hoodie. I grab my choker, earring, and hair ties, brush my hair, and pull it up into a messy bun. I decide to head upstairs to work on my homework.

Nobody is awake, so I sneak over to the door to grab my book bag and sit on the couch. I work diligently and watch in awe as the sun rises over the city and room, blinding me with its brilliant purples and oranges. I hear a ding, and a few moments the elevator opens to reveal Mother. She starts towards the basement, but stops when she sees me.

"Kain? Why are you up here so early?" she asks, a hint of worry in her voice.

I shrug, "I don't know. I woke up early so I thought I'd get some school work done."

I stand up and walk over to the door to set my book bag down with my finished schoolwork.

She comes over and puts her hand reassuringly on my shoulder, "Kain, I am sorry. I should have been stronger. I should have protected you. I should have been able to keep your secret better."

I look back and see the sadness in her eyes. She is disappointed in herself.

I turn around hug her, whisper, "It's alright Mother. I'll be fine."

I'm not entirely sure I believe those words, but I'm glad she tried her best to help me. I don't know what I was thinking, trying to keep a secret from him. Of course he'd figure it out.

She hugs me back and we stand there for a moment. I can almost imagine that we're a normal mother and son, just hugging each other at dawn.

Ok, so maybe not that normal.

Anyway, she lets go and walks into the kitchen, where she starts preparing breakfast.

"Do you want help?" I ask, wanting to busy myself and learn how to cook.

She nods, "Sure. Come over here and I will teach you what I know."

We make pancakes and hash browns, and are finishing up as soon as he emerges from the elevator.

He looks at me curiously while he goes to sit on the couch.

"Kain, about what you said yesterday...are you sure?" he says, scrolling through something on his tablet.

Mother walks his plate over and I think. What I said? I mean I said a lot of things yesterday...

"What do you mean?" I ask, grabbing my plate of food.

He answers, "Do you really want Mr. Calder to be your master? It's not too late to change..."

I close my eyes and think about yesterday. I suffered so much because of Nitro. Do I really want him to be my master? No. I don't. But...if he finds out that I didn't...that I didn't do what I said I would...I'll be in trouble with him...and I don't think that's a good idea...

I steel my resolve, and nod, "Yes, I do. I don't understand why you're questioning my decision. I'd've thought that you'd want me to suffer as much as possible."

His voice is lined with regret as he replies, "You're right. I do want you to suffer as much as possible. I'm just surprised because I'd except you to want the opposite of that."

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