Chapter 2: The Middle, Part 1

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The Next Morning

My eyes open painfully as I feel someone at my right arm. I look over and see my mother, taking some bandages off my arm.

"Mother, did you bandage me? You know he'll get mad at you for that," I sigh, looking at her kind eyes.

She smiles, "Master will not be mad when I tell him why you passed out last night."

I shake my head, "Mother don't. Please, don't tell him."

She raises her eyebrow, "Kain, I understand that you two are fighting, but he is my master. I cannot disobey him. And even if I could, I would not wish too."

"You wouldn't be disobeying him. If he asks you about how I fell asleep last night, you don't have to lie. Just, don't tell him unless he asks you. Please," I plead. I don't want him to know that I activated my spiritual form last night. He'll...I just don't want him to know...

Mother sighs as she nods, "Fine Kain. Just this once, since you have never asked me for anything. Now, come with me. Master has asked that you shower and that I help hide your injury."

She helps me stand up, and together we walk upstairs, into the living room. There is only shower in the house, so we take the elevator up to his room. This is the only time I'm allowed up here. To shower.

We hop in the elevator, me leaning on her, and she pushes the button to take us up.

"Mother, do you remember your life before?" I ask.

"Before? Before what? Before Master?" she says curiously.

I nod.

"Well, there was not much before. I remember being chosen by my domains. That is pretty much it. I suppose I had a life before I was a spirit, but that was so long ago. I barely remember. I could ask my domains, if I was truly curious, or if Master wanted to know, but I am not and he has not."

I have a question, "What are your domains again?"

She beams, "well, I am the lady of sorrows, the maiden of the stars, the witch of the waters, the seer of the summoned, the guide of the lost, and the protector of the spirits."

I smile back at her, "You're really proud of your domains, aren't you?"

She nods, "Yeah, I am."

The elevator doors open, and I see him moving about the bedroom. The sun is just beginning to rise over the horizon out the windows, casting the room in an orange glow. He's grabbing papers off of his desk, and shuffling them around.

Mother leads me into the bathroom, which is just as beautiful as the rest of the house. It's decorated just like the living room, in white and gold, and I see my reflection in the mirror. A sad boy, who's bruised and bleeding, ponders his existence.

Mother looks so perfect next to me. Seeing us side by side, it's obvious why I'm a disappointment. I have her feminine features and grace, but it seems clunky on a male. I sigh.

She smiles at me, "Do you need anything?"

I pause for a moment.

"Uh, do you think you could bring me an outfit?" I say. I'll be in huge trouble if I bring one of his towels into the basement, and I don't want to walk down there naked.

She nods, and exits the room. I turn towards the shower and turn it on, feeling the warm water wash over me. It's a little comforting, and I start to undress as the shower warms up. I make sure to keep my clothes in a neat, tidy pile, so my blood and basement grime doesn't dirty the bathroom.

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