Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Present Day

I blink open my eyes and face the darkness. Right. I slept in the basement again, because he was mad at me. I didn't mean to overstep my bounds. I was just protecting my mother. Didn't I have that right?

"Kain, wake up. Master wants to see you," my mother smiles as she opens the door to the basement. Her kind smile warms me, and I shake away my sleepiness. I go over to the corner of the basement that houses my clothes and get dressed. I put on a pair of purple shorts, black stockings, a black long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a purple jacket tied around my waist, and my purple converses. I put a black hair tie on each wrist and pull up my black and purple ombré hair into a ponytail after brushing it quickly. I grab a black choker and a black cross earring, and put them on too, then head upstairs to brush my teeth and put deodorant on.

The living room holds white and gold décor and the floor to ceiling windows show off the bustling city skyline. Mother is in the kitchen preparing breakfast for him and me, and he's sitting at the bar that cuts off the kitchen from the living room. I walk over to him, and speak, "What do you want?"

He looks angrily at me, and Mother looks nervously between the two of us.

"Kain, please, don't upset Master," my mother says softly, but he shushes her, "Sakura, if they boy wants to be disrespectful, then let him. He can come to work with me today, if insists on this behavior."

I stumble back and bow my head, "I'm sorry sir. If it's okay with you, I'd prefer to go to school."

He gets off his seat and steps towards me, grabbing my chin in his hand, and directing my head so that I'm staring directly into his eyes, "That is what I thought. You can go to school Kain, as long as you remember your place. Sakura is my summoned, which means I can treat her however I wish."

I gulp and look away. That doesn't matter. She's my mother. Nevertheless, I don't want to go to work with him so I just say, "of course sir. I'm sorry for overstepping my bounds."

He releases me, and we sit down at the bar, waiting for Mother to finish cooking. She does and sets down a plate in front of him and then me. He is the Master of the house. Mother cleans up as we start eating, and comes and sits in between us. She looks over at him and smiles, "Did you sleep well last night Master?"

He says yes and they make idle chit chat as he eats. He's being nicer to her this morning. Maybe I had some impact on him? Maybe my outburst scared him? Nah, he's probably just being nice because it's easier.

I finish my bacon and eggs, and start to wash my plate when Mother stops me, "Kain, leave the dishes in the sink please. I will clean them. You need to get ready for school. You do not want to be late."

I sigh, leaving them in the sink as I walk over to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant from under the cabinet and brush my teeth quickly. I put my deodorant on and quickly use the restroom before I wash my hands and put my stuff away. I stare at my eyes for a moment. They're blue, like his, but they have a white circle, kinda like Mother's, except I have a pupil too. I walk out of the bathroom and grab my cross body book bag by the front door. I look back at the kitchen and see that Mother is at the sink, washing his dishes too. He must be upstairs, getting ready for work.

I put my bag on, and lean against the wall, waiting. He'll be pissed if I walk out without him, and I won't make it to school on time without his car.

Five minutes later he walks out of the elevator with his briefcase, ready for work. He looks over at Mother, "Sakura, how long?"

She looks up and blinks, her purple hair swishing, and smiles, "Can I meet you there?"

He breathes harshly and nods, "Yeah. Hurry."

He walks out the door and I follow him out to the limo. I rush forward to open the door for him, and he steps in, followed by me. I sit on the floor, on the opposite side from him. He pulls a device out of his pocket and tosses it to me.

He speaks, "Here is your phone. Be good, and I will lighten up your punishment from last night. Understood?"

I nod, and we're stopping before I realize it. School. Great. Just because I prefer this over his work doesn't mean I enjoy it in any regard. I crawl out of the car and look at the building. It's a tall brick building, surrounded by fields. We're outside of the city, technically, and this academy is only for the super-rich and elite. Well, and then there's me. He's rich and elite, but Mother and I are the dirt beneath his feet. I mean, she's his summoned. He doesn't care.

Anyway, I muster up my courage, and walk into the glittering building, and try to avoid the attention of all the surrounding snobs. Too bad I stick out like a sore thumb. I just ignore all the whispering and rush to class.

I set my bag down, sit in my chair, right at the front, and sigh. I pull out my pencil and start twirling it as I look up at Mr. Jade. He smiles at me with his long blonde hair and sparkly green eyes.

"How are you, Kain?" He asks kindly.

"I've been better. How are you? Have you heard anything from your brother?"

He shakes his head. "I haven't heard news, no. I'll let you know if I do though. Are you all caught up on your homework?"

I rub the nape of my neck and smile, "No, I'm not. I don't really have time to work on it at home."

Mr. Jades sighs, "Well you have fifteen minutes before class starts. You can at least begin to work on it."

"Thanks," I say as I reach into my bag, grab out my homework, and get started. Kids start filing in, and I continue working for as long as I can. Until Marius Rowan waltzes in, his auburn hair swishing slightly, his steely gray eyes staring pointedly at me.

He comes over to me and pulls me towards him by my hair. "Why are you looking at me?" he growls.

I reach towards his hand, trying to get him to release me, and grin, "You're pulling my hair. Why wouldn't I be looking at you?"

He grumbles, "Stupid half-breed. Don't you know you're supposed to respect your betters?" as he pushes me to the floor, my papers spilling everywhere. I crawl around, collecting them all, as he goes and sits down in the back, his entourage trailing closely behind.

I sigh as I slide back into my seat, papers in tow, ready to spend another day in hell.

Mr. Jade clears his throat, and begins teaching. I listen intently, seeking any kind of refuge from the agony that my life is. Class passes by, and we pack up to move to our next class. I wait for everyone else to leave, and smile goodbye at Mr. Jade before I exit, and head to my locker.

Marius is there, waiting for me. Gods above, couldn't I have a moment of rest. However, his entourage isn't really around. Just Lune Crescent, who's in the grade above us. Marius is leaning against my locker, and I look up at him.

"Can I get in?" I say, upset.
He just shakes his head, and sighs, "Do you think that you could form a contract with a powerful mage, since you' know... you...?"

I look into those silver pools and wonder what's on his mind. Why would he be asking such a thing?

"I don't know. Maybe. Not that I'd be willing to form one with you. Now, please let me get to my locker. I'm gonna be late to class," I answer.

"Why you..." he starts angrily as he slaps me hard enough that I fall into the ground. Lune reaches his hand out and attempts to soothe Marius, his pale blue hair shimmering.

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