Training (part 1)

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*The next morning, we woke up and the sun was rising.*

Fa Gwen: Good morning, kiddo! Time for training!

Me: 😴 Mom..... it's Saturday.......! There's no school........!

Heather: He does that in his sleep, Gwen. Trust me!

Y/N: She's right, Gwen! He's a very heavy sleeper!

Fa Gwen: Oh, I see.........! *She wakes me up again.* Come on, kiddo! You have training today, Mister.

*I slowly woke up yawning. 🥱*

Me: Gwen.........? What time is it.........?

Fa Gwen: It's 5:00 A.M, kid! I know it's early, but Shang is waiting! I'm sorry you have to wake up so early, but don't worry! You'll get to sleep tonight, okay?

Me: Okay........!

*We had breakfast and got ready for training. As we got there, there stood Shang.*

Li Shang: Good morning, everyone! Sorry you had to wake up so early, but don't worry! Once we're rid of those Huns, you'll get to sleep more!

Us: Thanks!

Li Shang: And now, before we begin our training, there's someone here you should all meet! He's new! This is Galen Marek! He will be joining us in our war against the Huns!

Galen: Hello, everyone!

Us: Hello, Galen!

Li Shang, Y/N, would you teach Galen all he needs to know about the dark and light sides of the Force?

Y/N: Sure thing, Shang!

*As training began, you took Galen under your wing as your apprentice and taught him both the dark and light sides of the Force. You also taught him the fifth form of lightsaber combat like you had, but he also adopted his own unique style of Shien variant compared to your Djem-So, but with some aspects of Ataru and Soresu added. His abilities were Force Push, Force Choke, like yours, Force Grip, Force Mind Trick, Saber Throw, Force Repulse, Seeing The Future, Force Fury, Force Build, Force Healing, Force Leap, Force Dash, Force Shield, and Force Teleport.*

Y/N: Those Huns are in for a big surprise!

Galen: I know, coach! They won't know what hit them!

*Meanwhile, Mulan, Courtney, Gwen, and Heather were preparing to help the wounded soldiers.*

Heather: I'm glad we came along to help the wounded soldiers!

Fa Courtney: Me too!

Fa Mulan: You can say that again!

Heather: Still, I'm worried about my brothers, especially my youngest one.

Fa Gwen: Don't worry, Heather! He'll be fine!

Heather: Okay...... if you're sure.......

Fa Courtney: I won't let anything happen to your little brothers! Okay?

Heather: Okay....... I understand........!

Note: Get ready for part 2.

To be continued......

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