12 waiting

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It was later on in the day and Ari, and James was sitting together in the lobby with his arm around her daring anyone to flirt with his girl.

When he saw the guys along with Jo and Camile walk over to them sitting on the opposite side.

"I'm assuming you two made it official" Jo asked them. "Yes, we did" Ari told her smiling.

"Good it was about time you made it official" Camile told them making Ari roll her eyes. "Yeah, yeah" James told them. "Well, I am glad you two are finally official" Kendall said.

"Still took a long time" Logan said causing Ari to kick his leg while he held it in pain. "At least he asked before tour" Carlos said making a point.

"Well, that was kind of the idea" James told everyone. "Good call" Jo said, and this time James rolled his eyes while Ari just laughed at what she said.

"Moving on" Logan said while James silently thanked him. "I got to go, Jo, Camille, you coming" Ari asked pulling James's arm away from her.

"Yeah, let's go" Camille said getting off of Logan's lap. "Right behind you" Jo said getting up from her seat next to Kendall.

"Where are you girls going" Kendall asked them. "We have an audition" Jo told him.

"All three of you" Carlos asked. "Yeah, we all auditioned for the same show" Camille said.

"Which we really should be getting too" Ari said kissing James on the cheek getting up from her spot next to him before leaving while the girls followed after her.

"Well how does it feel to have a girlfriend" Logan asked James. "A little weird but great i really like her" James admitted.

"Don't mess it up" Kendall reminded him. "I know, I know, or you'll kill me" James told him seeing a small smile appear on his face.

"Bingo" Kendall said, and James rolled his eyes at him, but he understood it was his best friend he has been there for her since day one so of course he was protective over her.

"I don't think any of us seen you this happy in a long time" Carlos said. "She's different she brings it out in me" James admitted to them, and they all smiled at him.


Ari was currently heading to her apartment when she saw James her new boyfriend go up to her.

"Hey babe" James said giving her a pet nickname which she found adorable. 'Hey" she said back to him before he gave her a quick kiss.

"How did the audition go" James asked her once he pulled away from their kiss. "They told me that they would call sometime today as soon as they can" Ari told him.

"I'm sure you will get it their idiots if they don't see that" James told Ari causing her to blush.

"Shouldn't you be packing for tour" Ari asked him. "Probably but I wanted to make sure that my girl got that part she's been practicing so hard to get" James told her causing her to smile.

"Well, she wants you to pack" Ari told him. "I will but I want to be with you to hear the news" James told Ari clearly not backing down.

"Fine" Ari told him giving up and he smiled at her. 'You're lucky your cute" Ari told him, and he laughed at what she said. 'Come on let's head back to my apartment with the guys" James said.

"Alright" Ari said, and they both left going to his apartment he shared with the guys.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions.

Lex here don't forget to feel free to comment and ask questions

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