chapter 5

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Anger. That is all she felt, pure anger. Her body felt hot as she sat there in the cool night air in the backyard of the Kiszka safe house. Agent Parker hadn't said anything since he introduced himself, and he didn't need to say anymore. Y/N knew who he was, she had read the files on him while hacking into the ATF database.

Agent Edward Parker had been one of the head agents in charge of the ATF/RICO case six years ago. He had been so close to shutting down the guns ring, being one of the biggest busts since the 1970s when the last Italian-American crime family had finally folded. What Agent Parker hadn't realized was his plan had been destroyed by one Jacob Thomas Kiszka finding out the true identity of Agent Katherine Castillo. After Katherine went missing, the whole case had gone to a standstill, ultimately coming to a dead end.

Most of the agents on the case had moved on, finding other ATF cases to work on, or being moved around within the bureau, except Agent Parker. He had closed himself off, never quite giving up the dead case. He held it close to him, keeping a constant eye on it, and watching the only sliver of hope he had left in bringing down the crime families, which just so happened to be the soul key in bringing the two families together.

"What the fuck do you want?" Y/N spoke slowly.

"Hm," Agent Parker scoffed, "Is that how you guys greet each other in Ireland? I would've never guessed from how nice your son is."

"You stay the hell away from him!" She yelled, standing up from her spot.

"Easy there, mama bear," She could hear his smirk through the line, "He's such a nice kid. Very cute, splitting image of his father. Ya know, it's a shame his father isn't in the picture. . . I mean you tried to drown yourself when he was all of six months old-"

"How do you. . . "

"I know everything, Clover," He spat. A sinking feeling filled her chest as she sat back down in her chair. She gripped her phone tightly, her knuckles turning white, "That's right, bet you didn't know about that."

"What do you want?"

"It's simple, really. I know that someone hacked into our systems and flooded it with a bunch of lies to cover up Agent Castillo's murder. I know that someone, more than likely you, blackmailed the ME into making a false report to cover your ass."

Y/N closed her eyes, Agent Parker was right, it had been her almost six years ago, returning the favor for a friend. She hadn't ever hacked into the FBI until that moment, and she deleted as many of the reports as she could about their ATF case. Y/N had also bribed the ME when they found Katherine's body, threatening to expose their filthy side business of selling pictures of the dead on the blackmarket.

"You want me to rat."

"Wow, that MIT education really did pay off," Agent Parker laughed, "But yes. I want you to be our rat. And you will and do you want to know why? Because I will expose everything. That's right, all that dirty fucking laundry you've been trying to so desperately to hide. I'll expose you to everyone and everything. It'll create an all out Mafia world war."

Y/N felt the hot tears build behind her eyes, as she looked down at her shoes. She couldn't think of a single coherent thing in her mind besides wanting to murder Agent Parker with her bare hands. She knew that either way, whether she worked with him or not, would end up in her death. She had played a key role in the death of a federal agent, which is punishable by years in prison. Or she works with the feds and prays to whatever God that is listening that no one figures it out, which would also lead to prison and a very painful death by a shiv.

One thing was also clear, Agent Parker knew who Cian was. He had seen his face, been to the same places he had gone, knew who his father was, and even threatened him.

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