chapter 7

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The door to the house slammed shut making her jump and grab her gun quickly. Danny held his hands up as he stood in the doorway with a bag of takeout in his hands. Y/N sighed, and set the gun down on the coffee table and walked over to the Wagner boy, taking the food from his hands.

"A thank you would've been nice," Danny scoffed.

"No," Y/N answered, and walked into the kitchen, setting the food down on the counter, "I told you to not get involved, you don't get a thank you for being stupid."

"I said I'm not letting you do this alone."

It had been three days since the Kiszka brothers learned about the hack in their software, and three days since Sam had made the vow to kill her. Gianni had alerted Danny right away, and had him move Y/N to one of the Santiago safe houses in the area. Aidan and Cillian were to arrive sometime today, and that was the excuse that Danny gave to Josh on why Y/N had to leave the Kiszka compound. Josh didn't ask too many questions, too worried about the possible ATF case and feds snooping around. He had shut down four of their last six gun drop offs, the paranoia sinking in that he had a rat among his ranks.

Danny had been helping Y/N out, bringing her clothes from the compound and bringing her food. She had destroyed her phone and laptop, using a burner that Danny had gotten her. The only thing she didn't destroy was the phone she was using to call Agent Parker. She had been feeding the federal agent bits and pieces of the information she had written down from digging into the Kiszka Vault. Agent Parker didn't seem to mind, but he was getting suspicious that her information was dwindling down.

"Aidan and Cillian should be here soon," Danny said, grabbing a piece of the chicken he brought, "Gianni flew in some guys from back home, to help with security. The more we have on our side the better."

"Danny, I will not let this be a goddamn mafia civil war because I'm an idiot," Y/N sighed.

"It's not going to be," Danny assured her, "We have a plan. We're going to expose Agent Parker, tell Josh and Sam what he was doing, using Cian as leverage to get to you."

"They'll never accept that as an excuse," Y/N felt tears cloud her eyes, "He just turned six, Daniel," Her voice broke as she choked out a sob, "I'm all he has. He can't-"

Danny cut her off by pulling her into his arms. He couldn't remember the last time he hugged her, probably the night she found out she was pregnant. And before that night, it had to have been a decade or so prior. As much as he tried to deny it, he had a soft spot for the Irish woman, she had shown him kindness in a cold dark world. As much as he wanted to hate her, he couldn't.

"We're not gonna let that happen," Danny said, resting his chin on top of her head, "I won't let another child grow up like I did. I won't let it happen."

His words cut through Y/N like a knife. She could remember vividly those first few weeks when Danny came to live with them. She could remember the screams and cries that would come from his side of her bedroom at night. And how he would gently ask her if he could sleep in her bed. He was always a gentleman, even at age six, he would always ask before just climbing in her bed. When that sweet boy that had been scared of his own shadow had changed into the monster that the Mafia world learned to know, Y/N would never quite know. She believed that the sweet Daniel she once knew was still there somewhere.

Y/N pulled back from the hug, and wiped under her eyes, "You're not as bad as you claim to be."

"Shut up," Danny said, nudging her shoulder with a smile, "Tell anyone I hugged you and I'll deny it."

"Don't worry," Y/N gave him a sad smile, "Secret is safe with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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