Imagine 1: How you meet.

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Hey this is my first imagines book! Let me know what you think of the first one! Remember I also take in requests if you guys want! Enjoy!

You cursed as you ran out of your hotel lobby. You were supposed to be meeting your sister for dinner but of course your flight landed late, therefore you were now behind schedule.

You bustled your way down the busy sidewalks of New York, searching desperately for an empty cab. Why you booked a hotel near Times Square was a mystery to you. There were too many people around.

Just as you found an empty cab driving up on the opposite side the street, a loud clap of thunder sounded. You let out a long groan as you felt droplets of water start to hit your skin.

Great. Now everyone was going to be looking for a cab. Just as the thought ran through your head, someone jumped in the empty cab you had spotted earlier.

The rain began falling a bit harder now so you just really wanted to get into a cab. Your perked up once seeing an empty one a few feet ahead of you.

It slowed down to a stop and you quickly sprinted over to it, not caring how ridiculous you looked.

You pulled the handle and opened the door quickly, slamming it shut once seated in the car. You let out a little sigh, glad to be out of the rain.

"Um." A deep voice next to you spoke and you nearly jumped out of the car in fright. You turned your head and found yourself looking at a man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

A blush rose on your cheeks in embarrassment. You had no idea someone was already in this cab and began to apologize immediately.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea someone had already taken this cab, I'll get out if you want." You blurted and reached for the handle.

"No stop." The guy spoke and placed a hand on your exposed wrist, his warm hands a huge contrast from your freezing skin.

"It's pouring out there, there's no way I'm letting you go out there." He said sternly and you smiled at his kindness.

"Plus I don't mind sharing a cab with such a pretty girl like yourself." He winked and you felt your cheeks heat up.

"Oh, um thank you." You stuttered out, not sure if it was your nerves hitting you or the fact that your clothes were soaking wet, freezing.

He must have noticed since he was quickly stripping his jacket off him and handing it to you. "Here take my jacket, you're shivering." He says and you shake your head pushing it back into his hands.

"No I'm fine don't worry." You reply and he frowns at you. "No way, you're basically getting pneumonia as we speak. It's the least I can do to warm you up." He teases and you just lower your head thanking him.

You pull the jacket over you head and immediately feel the warmth spread through you. You take a breath in and his cologne hits you hard. He smells so good.

You laugh at how creepy you are and look up at the kind man sitting beside you. "Thank you so much." You say sincerely and he waves you off.

"No problem, just doing the right thing is all." He states and you find yourself liking this guy more and more.

"So I never got you name?" You say teasingly and he just grins at you.

"Niall." He extends a hand out to you and you grab it, admiring how they fit well together. "Niall Horan." He says again and you giggle.

"Well I'm Y/F/N," You begin copying his choice of words. "Y/F/N Y/L/N." He grins at you and drops your hand.

"Well Y/N, looks like we're going to have a lot of time to chat, seeing as this rain doesn't really help with all the traffic." He states and you smile again, kind of happy that your flight was late or else you probably wouldn't have met Niall.

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