Imagine 18: You have a pregnancy scare.

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You look at your phone in complete shock. How were you already five days late. You were never late. The period app must be wrong. It has to be.

You weren't ready to have a baby. You weren't mature enough and far from being financially stable enough to have one. That and Niall couldn't possibly want a baby right now. Fuck. Niall.

There's no way you could tell him. But there's no way you can keep this from him. You felt your anxiety rise as you continued to think of the possibilities. You wanted to cry. How could something like this happen.

You and Niall had always used protection, you couldn't be pregnant, you just couldn't.

Another day goes by and you still haven't gotten your period.

At this point you're a wreck. Everywhere you look, it seems to have some kind of connection to kids. Even on twitter you saw an ad for an up and coming maternity store.

You couldn't take it anymore. The second you stepped into your shared flat, the tears began to flow. You cried for what seemed like hours until you heard Niall get home.

"Baby I'm home!" He called out and shit. He couldn't see you like this. As soon as you were about to make a get away for you room he caught you.

"Hey babe- wait what's wrong?" He quickly made his way over to you, "Why are you crying?" His face had worry written all over it. You wiped your eyes and took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

"I think I'm pregnant."

He stares at you expressionless, for a long while before speaking again.

"Is that why you're so upset baby? Why? Are you late?" He asks over and over. You nod your head and just burry your face into his neck.

"I'm almost a week late, and that never happens Ni. Never." You say weakly and hold in a sob.

He just pulls you in a tight hug and places a kiss on top of your head. "Whether you are or aren't, I'm not going anywhere babe so don't let that be a reason for your tears." He says sweetly and places another kiss on your head.

"You can't get rid me of that easy." He adds and you can't help but let a pathetic giggle out.

"Have you taken a test?" He asks and you nod against him. "M'too scared." He says nothing and walks over to the bathroom. To your surprise he has a test in his hand. "Can never be too prepared huh petal?" He teases lightly and hands you the package.

You take a deep breath and shut your eyes. This was it. Niall gives you privacy as you take the test but as soon as you're done he's by your side again.

"No matter what it says babe we're going to be fine, we can get through anything." He encourages and interlocks your hand with his.

The most antagonizing five minutes go by and when times up you hesitantly bring the test into view.


You let out a huge sigh of relief and drop your head onto his shoulder. Thank the lord. Niall squeezes you into a hug. "Y'know petal, even if that test had come out positive, there's no way I'd ever leave you. I love you way too much."

You heart swells at his words and you can't help but feel a single tear roll down your cheek. You were so lucky to have a guy like Niall in your life.

"Plus it'd be an honor to knock ya up." He teases and you can't help but burst into a little fit of laughter.

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