Imagine 19: He gets jealous.

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The boys had the day off so you and Niall decided to take advantage of it and go on a little date. You went to a movie and got a bite to eat on the way back to the hotel.

As you were walking back you couldn't help but notice a stranger who look a whole lot like your childhood best friend. As you got closer to him you realized it was in fact him and excitement got the better of you.

"Christopher?" You called out hesitantly and he whipped his head towards you. "Y/N?" You laughed at the situation and quickly made your way over to him. You let go of Niall's hand to give Chris a hug.

"It's been ages holy shit, how are you?" You ask pulling away from him, a huge smile on your face. He grins at you and shakes his head. "Way too long! I'm doing good, how's everything?"

You heard Niall clear his throats behind you and your eyes widen. Shit. He pulls you to his side and places a tight grip around your hip.

"Where are my manners," You begin and wrap your arm around his waist. "This is Niall-"

"Her boyfriend." He finishes for you and Chris lets out a small chuckle. "Nice to meet you." He states and sticks a hand out at him.

"Wish I could say the same." You hear Niall mummers and you shoot him an angry look. He looks down at you briefly before focusing on Chris again. "Same to you buddy."

They shake hands and then Chris goes on about how great it is to see you again. The entire conversation Niall is holding you like you might slip away, jealousy clear in his actions.

"Well I've gotta dash, I'm supposed to be meeting Craig out for a date." He says and you gasp.

"No way! Craig?" You say shocked. They had been on again off again lovers through high school.

"Yep." He smiles lifting his left hand up to reveal a ring. You can't help but squeal and give him another hug. "You know I always had a feeling you guys would end up together." You say smirking and he just smiles sweetly and says his goodbyes.

As you walk away Niall looks guilty. "So he's-"

"Gay? Yeah, no need for you to get jealous there babe." You fill in for him and he looks down, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

"What can I say, I take pride in who I get to call mine. Can you blame me?"

You roll your eyes teasingly and give your boyfriend a quick kiss before making your way back to the hotel.

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