Imagine 16: You have a panic attack.

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The thought of airplanes always made you cringe, so hearing that you're mom had surprised you with a ticket home to come visit was a great yet horrifying action. You hated flying ever since you were a kid and it just got worse as you got older.

There was something about being in the air, and the fact that at any moment you could be plummeting to your death, that didn't quite settle well in your stomach.

Niall knew about this from the first time you guys traveled together. You held his hand so tight he lost circulation.

This time would be no different, except you were going alone and didn't have the comfort of your boyfriend to calm you down.

"Babe you're gonna be okay I promise." Niall cooed as he set the car into park. He was dropping you off at the airport so you didn't have to leave your car over night.

"How do you know that?" You sighed worriedly. Everything about airports made you tingly, and not in the good way.

"Cause I gotta gut feelin' babe. No turbulence or anything."

The mention of turbulence made your stomach knot. Nope nope nope.

"Nope I'm not going." You declared.


"I can't, I won't. You know how flying gets me and how turbulence scares me and I can't imagine if the plane were to go down and I just -"

You're breathing started to get heavy and you couldn't quite catch a breath. Oh no. You knew what was happening. You were having a panic attack.

You're breaths got shorter and more rapid as you put your hand to your chest to feel your accelerating heart rate. This was the worst timing.

Niall sensed the attack and immediately unbuckled his seat belt so he could get closer to you. "Baby relax." He said calmly but sternly.

Yeah like it was that easy. All that was running through your head was your plane having some kind of malfunction and going down. You're breathing was getting better. Tears started to flood your eyes.

"I can't-" you choked out and squeezed them shut.

"Baby." His voice rang. "You know how to stop this." His hands were cradling your face. "You know what to think of."

And he was right. You two had come up with a technique to calm each other down from these attacks.

You took a deep, shaky breath and let it go, trying to think of your happy place. Butterflies interrupted your thoughts. More and more began to pop into your head. Instead of a burning plane crash, a calm flowery meadow now took its place. 

You're breathing began to slow down again. You slowly opened an eye to see Niall's face, covered in worry. You let out a little sigh and shut your eyes again, breathing at abnormal pace again.

"Thank you." You said without opening an eye.

"Always babe, maybe nows about time you take that NyQuil so you can knock yerself out on that flight." He said jokingly with a hint of seriousness.

You nodded your head with a chuckle and pulled the little packet from you pocket.

"Already ahead of ya.."

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