Imagine 2: How you get his number.

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You let out another ridiculous sigh as you pulled your car into reverse yet again. Your baby sister has been bossing you around all day in search of her favorite band, One Direction.

It's not that you don't want to help her find her idols, but it's been a long day and you're tired. You've pretty much drove around your entire city looking for them today.

"Liam and Niall were just spotted at the Mall! Please please Y/N!! Drive!" She shouts at you from the passenger seat and you roll your eyes.

"Yeah just like Harry was spotted at the coffee shop by our house right?" You say as you make a left, already heading towards the mall.

"Please! This will be the last one I promise!!" She begs and you just shake your head, knowing you're just giving her a hard time.

Looking for your favorite band is a lot harder than when you did it as a young teen. You reminisce over your Jonas Brothers phase as you pull up to your local mall.

As you're parking you realize how dark it's gotten. Have you really been looking for these boys all day? Your little sister jumps out of the car and you follow behind her and she quickly hustles over to the entrance.

"They should be right over here I swear!" She exclaims, excitement bubbling through her voice as she pulls you down the shortcut hallways that the mall provides.

You give her a smile, though in the back of your mind you're not too sure she's right.

Suddenly you're bumping into someone and you frown once realizing your little sister has froze in her spot.

"What's wrong?" You ask and she looks up at you, eyes wide, jaw dropped. You look ahead and see two guys, Liam and Niall you assume, walking towards you with two bodyguards behind them.

"Is that?" You ask her and she's nodding her head frantically. You grin at her and gently shove her forward.

They seem to notice the two of you and stop in their tracks. Your little sister all but runs over to them and begins telling them how much she loves them.

You feel a smile spread across your face as you trail behind her, so happy that she met some of her idols.

"And just you guys are my favorite and I love you so much and oh my god I can't believe this is happening." She blurts as you reach them.

The blonde one, you're pretty sure this one is Niall, looks up at you and gives you a smile, teeth and all. You notice his eyes and almost gasp at how blue they are. You quickly return the smile and drop your hands into your sisters shoulders.

She looks up at you and perks up. "Oh! And Y/N! I couldn't have done this without you thank you so so much!" She shouts and gives you a quick squeeze before turning her attention towards Liam.

"Do you think you could take a photo with me and also sign this?" She asks hesitantly lifting up a small notebook. He grins at her, accepting her request easily.

As they're taking a photo you can't help but look over at Niall again. You study his profile and can't help but think how attractive he is. His head turns over to face you and heat spreads across your face as he catches you staring at him.

He gives you a wink and focuses his attention on your little sister again. You watch as he scribbles his signature on the page, tears it out, and hands it to your sister.

She squeals in delight hugging the paper close to her chest. You don't notice him writing again until you hear the sound of the paper getting teared out again.

Your head snaps over to him and he smirks as he hands you a folded sheet of paper.

The two boys say their goodbyes, continuing their way down the hallway and you watch them walk until they disappear.

It's only then that you open up the paper and gasp at the words written down.

Call me sometime ;)
Niall x

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