Imagine 9: You get mobbed.

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You and the boys were currently on your way over to the arena they would be playing at tonight. When you were about a block away you began to notice how many girls were around.

It was kind of intimidating, all these girls here ready to see the boys and the show hadn't even started yet. You didn't like the idea of them being able to get so close to the car while you were all still in it.

As the limo came to a pause you took a deep breath in and grabbed Niall's hand. You never really like crowded places seeing as you were a bit claustrophobic. Niall gave your hand a comforting squeeze as the security began barking out rules.

You took in a deep breath as they opened the car door and immediately the piercing teenage girl screams filled your ears. You winced at the sound and Niall let out a little chuckle beside you.

As the boys made their way out of the car and into the madness, you let out a shaky breath before stepping out yourself. It was complete madness.

Girls everywhere, screaming out their names and trying to get a hand on them. You had a death grip on Niall's hand as he pulled you through the mob of girls slowly.

You heard shouts of your name and only turned back for a second before your hand was being yanked from Niall's grasp. You panicked and tried to reach for him but a group of girls got in your way.

You struggled to make your way through the mass of girls but they wouldn't let you. You felt your anxiety rise. Why wouldn't these girls let you through. Your breathing began getting heavy as you now pushed your way through the crowd.

You heard complaints but there was no stopping you right now. You were alone in a sea of crazy fan girls and just wanted your boyfriend.

You kept your eyes on the ground, watching your step as you sneaked around all the small gaps you could find.

Finally as if God was answering your prayers, the girls parted ways like the Red Sea. Niall's bodyguard was standing in your way and you let out a sigh of relief as he put his hand out for you to grab.

You grabbed it quickly and rushed through the door into Niall's arms. "Babe what happened!" He exclaimed and you let out a long sigh just shaking your head.

"No idea, some girls had pulled me back and I lost your hand." You say and Niall frowns and pulls you into a hug. "God I was so worried about you." He mumbles and presses a kiss to your hair. "Sorry I couldn't go back for ya y'know, security would let me." He apologized and you just smiled, happy to be in his arms again.

"Yeah it's ok, next time maybe hold my hand a little tighter?" You tease and you feel him shake his head as he pulls you in tighter.

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