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Neal is walking down a sidewalk home from the party he's listening to rap music on his phone. Obviously still upset from the fight at the party it's all over his face and the way he's walking.

NEAL- come on get your shit together Neal get your shit together.

A police car slowly pulls up beside him.

NEAL- here we fucking go...I don't have time for this shit man.

POLICE OFFICER- you need some help kid are you lost?

Neal stops walking and turns to him.

NEAL- Nah I'm good.

Neal begins to walk down the side walk again and the police car begins to follow him.

POLICE OFFICER- Hey do you live around here?

NEAL- (annoyed) Yeah bro I do.

The police officer gets out of the car and approaches him.

POLICE OFFICER- do you have a problem or something?

Neal blows his breath annoyed.

NEAL- I'm just trying to get home man.

Maria runs over in a panic.

MARIA- Dad wait he's cool he's with me.

Neal and the police officer both look at her.

POLICE OFFICER- you know this kid?

MARIA- yes we go to school together.

The police officer looks at Neal and then his walkie begins to go off.

POLICE OFFICER- Okay then. Both of you two get home and when you do...we're going have a talk about you being out here this late.

He goes back to his car and pulls off.

MARIA- what do you have some sort of death wish?

NEAL- your Dad just racially profiled me and I'm the problem?

MARIA- Im sorry about that he's a jerk but I was talking about you walking out here this late by yourself.

NEAL- My car is in Baltimore and I live like two blocks away.

MARIA- it's 2023 you could of called a Uber or Lyft.

NEAL- (sarcastic) Now why didn't I think of that? You know what it's because I just like walking in the cold....No I don't have my phone.

MARIA- Why are you so damn rude?

Neal sighs.

NEAL- Look my bad I'm sorry....I'm definitely on a thousand right now. It's not you, it's just shit on my mind that I can't shake.

MARIA- Like what?

NEAL- Like my brother kissing my girlfriend on New Year's Eve night.

MARIA- ouch that sucks.

NEAL- yeah and she's not just some girl she was thee girl. And my brother is literally married to my best friend....it's just a lot bro.

MARIA- Married? Wait how old are they?

NEAL- they're my age.... look it doesn't even matter I shouldn't of brought them up to you.

MARIA- look you're not the only person who has heavy shit to go through...and I don't know maybe  it would make it easier if you had someone right now that you could depend on to talk to.

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