Chapter 5

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Sorry for not updating my story for years but i had lost all motivation to update this story but when i got my motivation back, i got really busy with my college and internships and finally got the time today to upload. My story will still have inconsistent uploads but i will make sure that I update the story someday in the future.

A few days after their battle with ranese, the gang was chilling out together at their usual hangout spot: the battle cafe, owned by clemont's dad, Ernie.

"Guys, what did you think of the power rangers? Weren't they so cool?" Alain asked the rest of the gang.

Ash and the other rangers sweatdropped at Alain's comment and just nodded.

"Who might the power rangers be?" Trip asked.

"I think they might be aliens from other planets. After all, they have some cool superpowers." Gary said.

"I don't think so. Those people looked humanoid to me and also spoke our language. So, i am pretty sure they must be some humans. Also, regarding your point about superpowers Gary, i am pretty sure even some humans have superpowers. I remember reading the legend of sir Aaron of rota who was said to have Aura powers and also remember hearing that the psychic gym leader of kanto has psychic powers of her own" said mairin

"Guess you are right Mairin. They could be anybody." Gary replied.

"I don't care who they are. I just hope that they are strong Pokemon battlers and hope that one day I can battle with them" Paul said.

"All this talk got me thinking, I know power rangers are strong, but they must have some weaknesses of their own. Could any of you think what weaknesses the power rangers might have?" Serena asked, acting like she was just asking because of curiosity, while being careful not to give off her identity by asking the question.

"I don't know. I guess every person has his/her own fears. So, maybe the rangers might have their own fears." Ash said thinking.

'That is it. I finally thought of a strategy to beat up the power rangers. As expected, my Ashy is a real genius. Oh Ash, i can't wait for the day when we can finally rule the world together 😍' Serena thought.

"I am not sure. The rangers looked very fearless to me. After all, they were fearless enough to face Queen ranese." Drew said.

"Whatever the case might be, i am just glad that the rangers are there to protect us." Brock said.

After that, the gang just peacefully have lunch together and go back to their respective homes.

A few hours later

As soon as Serena returns home, she goes straight into her dark dimension.

"Goldar, the love of my life helped me think of a brilliant plan today. I would use the rangers fears against them in order to defeat them completely." Serena told Goldar.

"An excellent plan my queen. But how will you implement that?" Asked Goldar.

"Easy, I will just create a monster that will amplify the rangers' fears to become so great such that it will make them completely useless in battle. Moreover, the monster will have an ability to create illusions so that the rangers just get stuck in their own fears. I just wish i could make more monsters at once so that I could also overwhelm the rangers with numbers but i don't have enough strength to do that yet, so i will just have to make do with one single monster. But, i am sure that monster will be enough to defeat the power rangers." Serena said.

Then, Serena concentrated really hard and thought of the kind of monster she wanted until the monster materialized right in front of her.

"Perfect. Now, my monster, your name will be craindre any you will be able to cast immense fear among the hearts of your victims. Now, go and destroy the power rangers." Serena said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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