Chapter 2

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Nobody's POV

A week has passed since Ash's first day at university and ash and Serena have gotten a lot closer and become great friends. In the past week, a new student named korrina joined the university and joined the group. It is Serena's birthday today. It is Sunday.

Serena's POV

Finally today is the big day. Today I get my powers. From tomorrow I will start my mission to conquer the world. Let me just celebrate today.

Ash's POV

Today is Serena's birthday. She told me the day before yesterday. Today, I am going to plan a surprise party for her at my house as it would be difficult to keep her away from her own house.

Time skip

Serena's POV

Yes! it is happening. I can feel myself getting power. Let me try using them. First, I try to transform into my evil form. I transform into a tall monster with long blond hair, white skin and black wings.

"Awesome" I say to myself.

Then, I try to make my own dimension as a secret base for me. I takes a lot of focus and hard work but I succeed. Then, I go to that dimension. It looks wonderful! After that, I make my evil monsters for my evil army. Tomorrow is the day I conquer earth and no power rangers will be there to stop me. I will go by the name queen ranese.

Time skip

Ash's POV

Finally, all the preparations have been made. Now, to just call Serena here.

'Serena, please come to my house. I want to show you something.' I message serena on her phone.

Then, I message all our friends to come to my house for Serena's surprise birthday party.

Serena's POV

I just come out of my dimension and my phone beeps. I see that I have a new text message from the love of my life. I quickly open the message and read it.

'What does ash want to show me' I think.

I get ready and rush to Ash's house. When I get there, I knock on the door. I get no answer. I knock on the door again and still no answer. I turn the knob and the door opens. It was unlocked! I think that something bad has happened and rush inside. It was dark inside.

"ASH" I call out.

Suddenly the lights turn on and I see all my friends there.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all shout.

I feel shocked. They did all this for me!!

"Thanks guys. I didn't think that you all would do something like this for me" I say.

"Actually this was ashy-boy's idea" Gary says.

"GARY!! Stop calling me that" ash says.

I giggle. Just then I see a little red on Ash's face. OMA he is blushing. He looks so cute while blushing. I feel my cheeks heat up at that thought. I hope that ash doesn't notice.

Ash's POV

I hear Serena's cute and melodious giggle. Man, I have really fallen in love with her. I feel my face heat up a little at that thought. Just then, a huge blush forms on Serena's cute face. I just don't know why she always blushes when she is next to me.

Time skip

The party gets over and all my friends go back to their homes.

Zordon's POV

I am just relaxing and just then, I feel great evil rising. No, this can't be good. I felt this much evil only at the time of Rita and lord z. I need a new team of power rangers.

"Hey zordon, my sensors sense great evil rising." my trusted android, alpha says.

"I know alpha. We need a new team of power rangers to defend our planet against this evil." I say.

"Zordon, I think that I found the perfect candidates." Alpha says.

"Then what are you waiting for!? Teleport them here" I say.

"Yes zordon" alpha replies.

Ash's POV

I am just resting on my bed when suddenly, I get teleported to some place with insane technology. I turn to my side and see Clemont, Misty, Dawn, iris, cilan and Gary. In my front, I see a very advanced robot and a hologram of a bald guy. Clemont looks like he is in heaven. He starts examining everything.

"Hello rangers, I am zordon and this robot is alpha" the hologram says.

"What do you mean by rangers" my friends and I say together confused.

"You guys have been chosen as a team of superheroes known as the power rangers to fight evil" zordon says.

I was shocked. Me, a superhero!?

"You are kidding right" I ask zordon.

"I am really serious" Zordon replies.

"But we are just teenagers" I say.

"But you have a pure heart" zordon replies.

"So clemont, you are the yellow ranger. Your element is electric and your zord is luxray zord. Misty, you are the blue ranger. Your element is water. Your zord is gyarados zord. Dawn, you are the pink ranger. Your element is fairy. Your zord is togekiss zord. Iris, you are the gold ranger. Your element is dragon. Your zord is dragonite zord. Cilan, you are the green ranger. Your element is grass. Your zord is simisage zord. Gary, you are the black ranger. Your element is dark. Your zord is umbreon zord. Finally, Ash, you are the leader of this team and the red ranger. Your element is fire. Your zord is infernape zord. It is up to you all to save the world from the rising evil." Zordon says.

"Awesome" we all say in unision.

Alpha comes to us and gives us some mobile phone like devices.

"These are your morphers cum communicators. You can morph into your ranger armor with them and communicate with them at the time of need. This place will be your secret base. Now go, the fate of the world depends on you" zordon says and teleports us back to our houses.

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