6️⃣ I will never evolve a Shiny Eevee the same way again... NEVER AGAIN!

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A cold voice emanated from my D's speakers. The voice probably belonged to EEeEE.

The screen went black and I heard the sound of the slash attack. The overworld reappeared and my trainer lay on the ground in a pool of blood. He had lost an arm and a leg. His eyes were pitch black. Apparently they were ripped out of him. EEeEE's sprite bounced up and down and a happy symbol appeared over her head. I tried turning off the game. To my surprise it worked. I sat on the couch, breathing heavily, and turned the Ds on again.

I selected "Continue" and saw my Trainer without his arm, leg and eyes. Disgusted, I put my right hand on my stomach. The fight scene reappeared even though I didn't even move. EEeEE appeared in front of me as a wild Pokemon. It had shiny Espeon ears and a Espeon tail. It also had Espeon's two cheek hairs. It also had a jewel on its head. EEeEE's eyes were black with red pupils from which blood ran. It looked like EEeEE had sewn on the ears, tail, cheek hair and jewel. EEeEE's scream sounded like a demonic version of Espeon's scream. The only option was Ball. I chose that too.

"Y/N uses Pokeball!"

EEeEE goes into the pokeball. Once this shakes before the Pokemon erupted again.

"EEeEE doesn't want to go back!"

"EEeEE uses kill!"


The next chapter will be updated tomorrow
Again the story isn't mine
Neither the art/picture

Credits go to x-SpookyBoo-x and devinarts.com

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