7️⃣ I will never evolve a Shiny Eevee the same way again... NEVER AGAIN!

7 1 0

"Oh no..." I said to myself.
There was a blood red flash before a text box came up.

"EEeEE killed Klaus!"

The screen showed the overworld. The trainer was gone and EEeEE jumped up and down in delight.

"You should have let me evolve..."

EEeEE's distorted, cold voice echoed through my D's speaker. The game then automatically shut down. Disturbed, I threw my Ds against the wall so that it shattered. The Soulsilver game looked half out of the Ds. I got up, took it, opened my window and threw it out into the street. My TV showed a black picture. I was probably on a station that had no reception. I grabbed the remote control and pressed the POWER button but the TV wouldn't turn off. All I could hear was a voice coming through the speakers.

"You should have let me evolve..."


This is the end of this creepy pasta, tell me how did you guyes liked this story?
Again the story isn't mine
Neither the art/picture

I couldn't find the creator of this art, if you know let me know it so i can credit him/her

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