Someone's there?

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The following days, Roger was in the writing process; this means he was unavailable. One could talk to him, of course. And we had chats and meetings to plan the marketing strategy; but hear me out, he wasn't there. Physically he was; but mentally... My brother always spent most of his time in an outer world, a place he'd rather live in, instead of this corrupted society. Some magical, mystical univers far from here. And as soon as he entered his writing process, he'd go there. 

The writing went well, and the ghosts could be assured to get dress for winter; he was happy and excited. Thrilled to show the world his latest master piece!

The scratching that had him disturbed the first time didn't stopped; and it did not bothered him more than that. They inspired him this book after all... So he kept writing, not minding the noises, that he would admit later, would get louder and louder. The more he progressed in the story, the louder the noises were. 

It was time to check what was happening. He called me. I remember, around 10pm. I was half asleep, and had to call him back for I couldn't fin my phone quickly enough... He was nervous, but not really worried.

--Samuel... He said. 

I sat there, on the other side of the phone, hanging at his words. He said nothing. I waited a couple of minutes, and just when I was about to call him out, he spoke.

--Shit, Samuel, I believe I have rats. Or something living, at least. I don't want to spend much time fighting them. Hope it can wait until I'm done with my book.

He didn't really care much about the rats. All he ever cared about, was to be left uninterrupted when he was creating. 

--God stopped only on the seventh day... He used to say, to any one asking him when was the last time he had rest. 

--I'll rest in peace, when I'll be dead... He'd add, to those a bit to much concerned by his physical state. 

Roger went on, he kept writing; and it was going well; very well. By the end of the month, he was already half way through his book. 

--I'm going to write it in two months, I tell you Samuel! This is my master piece! 

He was excited. He was thrilled.

But the noises didn't stop. And as they got louder, they became disturbances. Every time he tried to focus on an important plot twist, some loud crack would goes off from somewhere in the house. He couldn't locate the precise point. He tried to avoid thinking about it; for he had to finish his book. But then, the things got... Stranger.

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