Are you certain?

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Dear reader. I gave you a glimpse of what was happening in my brother's mind... And what you're about to read is... Well disturbing. Are you certain you're ready for this? 

If not, you can still stop here. Know that until this day, we still don't know where Roger is; and that the police told me yesterday that he'll be considered dead. It's all you need to know, to honor his memory. He was a great writer, and I believe that one day, his work will meet the success he deserved. 

Simply know that I'll share only the last page of this book, for to any one who read the whole thing... Well I can't tell you what happened... I know they're watching me. I can hear them, and I know that nobody can help. They're mine. I have created them. And now they're coming for me.

If you're feeling adventurous and brave. Then go on... And read. But don't come back and blame me. Not my stories, not my rabbits... I have enough with my own.

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