The plot

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Days later, he called me back; answering long unanswered calls. 

--Act 1 and 2 where almost done... But the rabbits, Samuel; they helped me! My master piece is nearly here, and the world better be prepared!

I was happy for him, at first. He was almost done. And, to be honest, I didn't liked the way this book was driving him crazy. He always had been a peculiar guy; but there, it was different, darker, scarier... I feared lethal. So I was relived that he was almost done. The rabbits thing, I didn't liked it, I didn't felt it right.

I had to speak out...

--Whose rabbits... I said, worried.

--Mine Samuel! Follow up for god's sake!

--Since when do you have rabbits?... I said, afrayed to hear the answer.

He didn't respond. I knew too well. He didn't let go of this idea of his, that rabbits had invaded his place. He was the only one to see them, he was the only one to hear them, he was the only one witness. 

But I didn't pay much attention to this, for he was almost done. Soon this whole nonsense about invisible rabbits would be done. Soon I'd get my brother back. So I congrats him, praising his talent. Writing such a story, in the very little time, was amazing, regarding the fact that he was also facing a breakdown; because that's what it was... Wasn't it? A breakdown.

--When will you let me read the rest, then?... I said.

--You'll find it when the time is right... He said. 

I didn't got the sens of his words, then he add.

--The rabbits, like this one. They likes it much more, than the other one.

What was he talking about? It didn't took me long to get to the point, where I understood that he was writing another story. I thought he was talking about the ghosts clothing story; and I bet you thought it too? But yet, he had, for a reason that still creeps me out, changed his mind and took another way out. 

The rabbits had told him to. 

I had to tel him, I had to say it. There were no rabbits. I had checked the place, and found nothing. A hundreds of rabbits are a thing you'd hardly miss. Don't you think? 

--You couldn't see them, for they are mine. ... And that was the last thing he told me. 

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