Into Night Raven College

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(It was a beautiful day in Japan as The Beygoma Academy Beyclub were in the library looking for books to read...)

Valt: Hey guys, look what i found! -shows a book with a red cover-

Shu: Thats perfect for us to borrow Valt.

Rantaro: Tch. Come on! When will we get out of this boaring place!?!

Dora: Honcho! We're in a library. Indoor voice...

Rantaro: -grumbles-

Daigo: *sigh* Do we have to go here?

Wakiya: For our book report for school of course! Thats why we came here. To look for book for us to work on.

Ken: -yawns-

Dora: You seem tried Ken. Why dont you go home and rest..

Ken: Keru: No thanks Princess. Besu: Were good.

Dora: Are you sure?

Ken: Of course Im sure.

Dora: *sigh* if you say so...

Valt: What do you think Princess? Is this a good book we can work on?

Dora: Hmmmm.....I dont know yet.. Let me check if there's a good book we can work on over there. -points to a corner of the section of books-

Shu: Okay.

Wakiya: Sure.

Daigo: Go ahead.

Dora: -walks over to the corner - hmmm....which book should i pick? ! Hm?

(Dora spotted a book with a black cover which read "Twisted Wonderland" )

Dora: -takes the book from the shelf and regroups with her friends - hey guys. Look what i found.

Daigo: Cool.

Rantaro: What's the title?

Dora: "Twisted Wonderland"

Valt: Sounds like a good one we can work on. Lets barrow it.

(And so, they borrowed the book and went home. They shared a big house together. And it looked like this.)

(Once they were inside

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(Once they were inside.....)

Dora: Now im excited to read this book! After all, it is rather interesting....

Daigo: Alright. Alright. We get it now....

Rantaro: I know your excited to read this one.

Dora: -nods -

Wakiya: Okay. Lets start.

Valt: Wait! How about we open this book all at same time?

Dora: Lets go for it!

Beyblade Burst: Into The Villain 's World (Beyblade Burst x Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now