The Scarabia Dorm

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As the Classes in NRC went on....

Wakiya: Ugh! How I hate the flying lessons! Out of all of the above! WHY?!

Dora: I think those are lessons to help you overcome your fear of heights Wakiya....

Wakiya: Whatever....

Grim: hehehe...You could say that again Dora...

Dora: I still dont get it though...

Ken: Keru: Hm? Still dont get what Princess??

Dora: After what Divus had said to me the other day, which was "follow his comands"...i have no idea who he is....

Grim: Hmmm...sounds like something a gennie would do...

Shu: "Gennie?" What are you on Grim?

Rantaro: Hold on! What if "follow his comands" like a gennie's master would say to their wish granter, I believe the person that Divus was talking about is....

Daigo: Jafar!

Rantaro: Right. More like, A villan who is like Jafar...

Grim: And I know just the person who would be capable on something like that...JAMIL VIPER who is part of the Scarabia Dorm!

Valt: Jamil Viper?

Grim: Yeah. He's part of the same dorm as Kamil!

Dora: I never knew that.

Wakiya: Do villains always have to keep secrets?!


Wakiya: Sorry. *sigh* its hard to trust Villans.

Daigo: We know it can be...

Dora: But were giving everything we've got in order for us to get home. Please Wakiya, it'll be ok..

Daigo: Plus, even some of our own Villans had their own redemption arc.

Valt: Lets give the Villans here a chance. Ok?

Wakiya:.......*nods* Alright.

Shu: ....*turns to Grim* Grim, do you know where the Scarabia Dorm is at?

Grim: Yes! I have! Follow me! *flys away*

The Beyclub: *follows him*

Later, they were standing infront of a door that had Jefar's face printed on it.

Valt: Lets just hope that Jamil wouldn't be the evil Jafar we knew in the Aladdin Books..

Rantaro: Yeah. Lets just hope that nothing bad happens to us.

???: What are you guys doing here?

Beyclub and Grim: AHH!

Rantaro: Kamil!

Kamil: What brings you to the Scarabia Dorm?

Dora: Kamil we just want to talk to Jamil. Do you know him?

Kamil: Jamil Viper? Yes! I know him! He's most likely my most trusted friend. Dont worry, I'll take you to him. *opens the door* Lets go! *goes in*

Rantaro: Lets go guys.

The Beyclub went in the dorm and everything inside almost that it looked like Abragah but more majestic

The Beyclub went in the dorm and everything inside almost that it looked like Abragah but more majestic

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Beyblade Burst: Into The Villain 's World (Beyblade Burst x Twisted Wonderland)Where stories live. Discover now