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Hello! Its ya lovely dovely author here! So I want to clear out HOW MUCH SUPPORT IVE BEEN GETTING! LIKE THANK YOU GUYS SO DAMN MUCH!!!!

I am so damn happy cause of you all, I literally cant believe it!! I don't have the words to express myself! Just thank you so damn much!

Now, lets learn about dreams!!


Me and Shrignold got closer over the past few weeks! It was really fun with him around, and thats a sentence I never thought I'd ( I would ) say!

It was a normal morning, I woke up and made my way downstairs, just as I was about to enter the kitchen, I heard yelling.

"Maybe they're ( they are ) talking about the 2 people again" I thought to myself, just before I leaned my back on the wall, and heard them talk.

"Listen, Manny, please don't yell right now, I don't want Harry waking up. And I already told you, Mrs. Kiana doesn't know about Harry, so if we went to Mrs. Shina's home and talked about Harry, Mrs. Kiana would be very confused, and it'd probably also be the end of Mrs. Kiana and Mrs. Shina's relationship. And if it will be, then Mrs. Shina wont help us."
"I-I guess you're right... But why cant we just call her?"
"I-I... Haven't thought of that idea before! You're a genius Manny!"
"I know I am, idiot."

Ring Ring Ring

"Put it on speaker!!"
"Hello! Its me, Robin, speaking."
"Oh! Robin, so nice to talk to you again! Is anything wrong?"
"Actually, yes. We all know about what Rey did to Harry, and after the couple of months after the divorce, he lost all of his power, including custardy of Harry, correct?"
"Yes, you are correct but, where are you going with this topic?"
"Well, me and Manny received a call from Rey, forcing us to give Harry back to him, claiming to be Harry's "legal guardian"."
"Oh my, we cannot let Harry go with Rey!"
"That is what we were thinking, and now that Rey has lost all power and custardy of Harry, we were thinking that we should call CPS."
"Brilliant idea! And as you stated, we all do know what Rey did with Harry. And, because of the security camera's I had installed in the house, we have evidence ( proof ) that Rey abused Harry!"
"I am so glad you're thinking the same way as me and Manny! But, one thing isn't for sure.."
"And what is that? Dear friend?"
"What do you mean?"
"The doctors said that it'd be hard for Harry to remember anything before the incident, but they also said the same thing of him expressing emotions, as Rey hit his frontal lobe."
"So, you're implying ( stating but not fully ), that maybe, just maybe, Harry could remember everything, am I correct?"
"Yes.. You are. Since the doctors weren't correct about the " expressing emotions " thing, they could also be incorrect about forgetting everything permanently."
"I see, but, if he does remember, we can just explain it to him slowly, can we not?"
"Yes, but it'd be hard for an almost 8 year old to handle"
"Hmm, I'll have a thought about it overnight, but thank you for informing me about Rey's request."
"Its our duty as adoptive parents to take care of the child"
"Heh, I shall hang the call up now, good bye!"
"Good bye"




"That went surprisingly well!!"
"I know!! Karma is finally after Rey!"

Woahhhh, that was a conversation alright- I'll pretend I just woke up.

I walked inside of the kitchen, rubbing my right eye.

"Good morning..."
"Good morning sweet heart! How'd you sleep?"
"Pretty well... I wanna go back to bed..."
"Well you can't anymore, because todayy~"
"Me and Robin decided to go to Doseny Land!!"
"Yes!!!! Now, you better eat quickly! And get ready!"

I said as I stuffed my face with food, I can't wait for Doseny Land!!


Frontal Lobe : The frontal lobe controls high-level skills like: remembering things. It's the center for the emotions and thought processes that translate into personality.

Overly simplified, it helps us to remember and to feel emotions. And, if we think nicely, and feel happy, then our personality will be good.
If the frontal lobe is damaged, then you wont be able to feel emotions, or remember anything. It'll also lead to a hard time remembering recent things. You'll kind of act like a life-less doll.


Doseny Land : this world's Disney land <3


Take care, I love you guys, Byee!!!


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