Chapter 2: A Knight's Wrath

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"Time to pay for what you done you bastard"

"Oh who do we have here the gold ranger huh" says Snide.

"Give me that emergem"

"Make me!" yells Snide.

Ivan takes out his sword and gets into his fighting  stance.
"Alright take this" says Ivan swinging his sword at Snide but Snide quickly dodged his attack
Snide took out his sword and swung his sword at Ivan. Ivan took the hit but it didn't do that much damage to him.

"Ugh you monster take this"  says Ivan proceeding to stab Snide with his sword.

"HAHAHA your little pathetic move doesn't hurt me, I'm not like you humans"

"That's right you're not human, you're a cold hearted monster"

"Oh someone's mad, isn't this is exciting but unfortunately this the end for you gold ranger" says Snide taking out Ivan's sword that was impaled in his chest and uses it against Ivan, that then sends a powerful blast towards him. Ivan goes flying from the force of the blast and demorphs.

"Now that you are down, it's time for me to take your energem" says Snide but out of nowhere someone blasts Snide as he was about to steal Ivan's energem.

"Not so fast Snide" says Tyler.

Tyler was the one who blasted Snide and neither Snide nor Ivan were expecting his company.

"What... how did you find me?" asks Ivan.

"I tracked down your energem. The others should be here soon." says Tyler.

"So it appears you have company well I'll take you both down and the other rangers too" says Snide.

"I'd like to see you try" says Tyler shooting another blast at Snide but Snide reversed it so it would hit Tyler with twice as much force.

"Ahh!" says Tyler collapsing to the ground demorphing

"TYLER!" yells Ivan.

Ivan tries to get up to see if Tyler's okay but he realizes he can't move from the pain he is in.

"Damn it! I can't move"

"Well well well, looks like you're both defenseless now so now it's time to take your energems"

Before that could happen the others arrive and say "Stop right there!"

"Now if it isn't the other rangers, this will be fun" says Snide.

"Ugh.. guys be careful he's tougher than you think" says Tyler.

"Don't worry we got a plan" says Riley.

The rangers transform and after that Riley, Chase and Koda attack Snide from the left while James, Phillip and Zenowing attack Snide from the right.
Snide is left weakened from the ranger attack.

"Clearly I underestimate you, but I'll be back just you wait" says Snide teleporting away.

The rangers demorph and walk up to Ivan and Tyler.

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