Chapter 4: The Rescue Part 1

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Ivan: what..? what do you mean she's kidnapped?
Shelby: Ivan I'm sorry but Snide took her
Ivan was heating up with rage. He was angry very angry. He didn't understand why but he for sure knew he didn't want Kendall to suffer more from that monster but he remained calm as to not startle anyone
Ivan: how did she get kidnapped?
Shelby: Snide attacked both me and Kendall but we managed to dodge it and then I attacked Snide back which then Kendall grabbed his teleporter, she tossed it to me last minute before Snide grabbed her and teleported away.
Ivan: I see..
Shelby: Im so sorry everyone, if I was just quick enough to grab Kendall then none of this would have happened
Tyler: Shelbs it's not your fault, we're going to bring her back
Riley: Yes we will, Shelby you have the teleporter right?
Shelby: Yes I do
Shelby takes the teleporter out of her pocket and hands it to Riley.
Riley: Thank you, now all we have to do is program this to take us to Snide's "spaceship" so we can get Kendall and her energem back.
James: Yes but only Kendall knows how to program things
Ivan: I know how to program it
*Everyone in the room went silent and gave a shocked look at Ivan
Ivan: What? Why are you looking at me as if I'm crazy?
Shelby: How do you you know how to program?
Ivan: Kendall taught me, well I've observed her work and I got the gist of what to do
Riley: Well that's a shocker
Ivan: Just give me the teleporter
Riley gives Ivan the teleporter
Chase: You sure you know how to program it
Ivan: I'm positive Sir Chase if you really doubt me then just watch me work
Ivan goes off to the work space and starts programming the teleporter while the others crowd around him and watch him.

*Meanwhile with Kendall*
Kendall: Let me go!!
Snide: Sorry not going to, you're ruining my plans
Kendall: The others will come get me and destroy you
Snide: Oh really, I'd like to see them try since they failed plenty of other times
Kendall: Just watch
Snide: Tch like if you scare me
Snide puts Kendall down and ties her up to a chair. Kendall tries to resist but fails.
Kendall: What do you even want from me?
Snide: A lot you see your the key to my plan, soon you'll be my accomplice
Kendall: what?
Snide: You're going to work for me purple ranger whether you like it or not
Kendall: I will never work with a villain, let alone you Snide
Snide: Oh that hurts my feelings but I'm afraid you don't have a choice purple ranger
Snide pulls out a syringe with some weird chemical in it and injects it into Kendall's arm.
Kendall: NOO!!
Snide: HAHAHA sweet dreams purple ranger
Kendall slowly dozes off from the injection
Kendall: no please no- I don't want to be evil
Snide: hmm too bad
Kendall: someone- anyone please help me
Those were the last words Kendall spoke before she was completely asleep
Snide: Ha well looks like my plan is slowly coming along well

*Back at the Base with the other rangers*
For what felt hours Ivan finally finished programming the teleporter
Ivan: I finished everyone
Riley: Great I was starting to get bored
Chase: Yes well it appears two of our lovebirds fell asleep just look
Chase points towards Shelby and Tyler. Shelby has her head placed on Tyler's chest while Tyler has his arms wrapped around Shelby's back.
Chase: Aren't they cute
Riley: Ugh more like disgusting
Chase: Quit being a hater, you clearly haven't found someone yet
Riley rolls his eyes at Chase
Ivan: Ok enough with the arguing you too
Chase: Sure but you got to admit it's adorable
Ivan: Yes but let's leave them alone
Chase: Hey Ivan I'm curious have you ever loved anyone or do you love anyone currently?
Ivan: Well I haven't given it much thought
Chase: Oh come on you got to have someone in mind, how about Kendall?
Ivan: She's just a dear friend to me, there's nothing going on between us
Chase: Oh come on, I see the way you two look at each other, you always have that spark in your eye
Ivan: She just brings out the best in me
Chase: True she's a great person to be around
Riley: Ok enough with the love talk, Ivan since you're finished with the teleporter give it to me
Ivan: Ok sure
Ivan gives Riley the teleporter
Riley: Ok now Chase go and find Koda, Philip, James and Zenowing, Ivan go wake up those two
Chase: Ok mom jeez you're no fun
Ivan: Sure
Chase goes off to find the three other rangers and Ivan goes to Shelby and Tyler.
Ivan: Sir Tyler wake up
Ivan shakes Tyler up to get him to wake up
Tyler: Huh what- oh Ivan did you finish?
Ivan: Yes get up we're going to have a little meeting
Tyler: Ok
Ivan: And wake up your lady too
Tyler: I know
Ivan walks off back to Riley while Tyelr wakes up Shelby
Tyler: Shelbs wake up
Shelby slowly opens her eyes
Shelby: hm oh Tyler hey
Tyler: Hey get up Riley's wants us to meet up with the others
Shelby: Ugh but I was having such a great nap
Tyler: Heh come on silly or else someone's going to complain
Shelby: Right right I'm up
Tyler gets up and offers his hand to Shelby. Shelby gladly takes it and they both go to Riley and Ivan.
Just then Chase comes bursting in the room
Riley: Good to know
Chase, Koda, Zenowing, Philip, and James all go meet up with the others
Chase: Ok we're all here now what do you want
Riley: We're going to rescue Kendall obviously
Keeper: Not so fast
Keeper comes into the room startling everyone
Everyone: Keeper?
Keeper: If you're going to rescue Kendall then Tyler and Ivan can't go
Tyler and Ivan: WHAT!?
Keeper: You two aren't completely healed yet
Tyler: But keeper they need our help
Ivan: Yes Sir Tyler is right they need our help
Keeper: I'm sorry but you two must stay
Tyler: Fine, Ivan let's just stay
Ivan: I'm sorry keeper but I'm going with them
Tyler: Ivan come on let's just stay we don't want to complicate things any further
Ivan: I'm sorry Sir Tyler and Keeper but I must go
Riley: Ok then I'm just going to open up the portal then so we can go
Keepe: Ivan you're not going, you'll end up getting more beat up
Ivan: You may be right but my friend is in danger and I'm not letting that creep get his way
Just then Ivan pushes everyone into the portal and jumps in the portal aswell.
Tyler: WAIT!!
It was too late for Tyler to jump in the portal since it already closed
Keeper: That boy he's really stubborn isn't he
Tyler: Yeah just hope he doesn't do anything stupid like last time
Keeper: Yes let's hope he doesn't

To be continued..
End of Chapter 4

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