Chapter 5: The Rescue Part 2

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After Ivan pushed everyone into the portal they were all teleported to Snide's "spaceship."
Chase: Ugh dude did you have to push us?
Riley: Yeah man could have gave us a little heads up
Koda: Yes me agree with Riley
Philip: Right how rude of you to push a Prince like me
Zenowing: Yes I must agree with Philip, that was pretty rude of you Ivan
James: Could we not argue about this right now
Shelby: Yes like James said so CAN YOU GUYS GET OFF ME
The others: SORRY!!
They all fell on top of each other so Shelby was getting squished by all of them apart from Ivan who landed perfectly fine
Shelby: Ivan whenever you push people into a portal make sure to push all of them first instead of me
Ivan: I'm very sorry M'lady and I'm sorry for pushing all of you
Chase: You're forgiven
Riley: Yeah but let's go save Kendall and get her energem so we can get out of here
Philip: Yes yes we will but I still don't forgive you Sir Ivan like who pushes royalty
Ivan: I'm sorry your highness
Philip: Hmph I'll think about your apology
Koda: Guys bad guys here
Shelby: Yeah what Koda said, we're surrounded so stop bickering and fight them instead
The others: Right!
The rangers all transform and fight off the Vivix soldiers. 
Chase: Is it me or did these guys get stronger
Riley: Or maybe you got weaker
Chase: Like you're one to talk
Philip: Ugh there's so many of them
Zenowing: Everyone just keep your head in the game, there's more coming
Shelby: Come on guys we have to do this for Kendall
The others: Right!
The rangers continue to fight against the Vivix and manage to take down half of them
Riley: Wait where's Ivan
Philip: I swear that guy just likes to run off every chance he gets
Shelby: Great just great now I'm left with a bunch of lunatics
Chase: Hey! I'm not a lunatic if anything it's Riley
Riley: Oh really
Chase: Yeah!
Shelby: OK ENOUGH!! I'll go look for him you all deal with them
The rangers: Yes ma'am
Shelby goes to find Ivan across the "spaceship" leaving the rest of the guys to fight the other half of the Vivix. Meanwhile Ivan is looking for Kendall, searching everywhere for her
Ivan: KENDALL!! Kendall where are you?
Ivan (in mind): Come on Kendall where are you this "spaceship" is massive
Out of no where Snide appears
Snide: Looking for someone gold ranger
Ivan: Snide, why yes I am
Snide: Oh that's too bad, you're not getting her back
Ivan: We'll see
Snide: Oh so we're having round two already, how fun
Ivan pulls out his sword ready to attack Snide and Snide does the same to attack Ivan. They each get into their fighting stances and charge at eachother. Ivan swings his sword towards Snide's left arm, successfully hitting his left arm.
Snide: Agh why you!!
Snide uses his sword to slash Ivan's stomach but Ivan ducks down and ends up slashing Snide's legs with his sword instead. Snide falls from the impact of Ivan's sword.
Snide: Ugh so you've gotten good I see
Ivan: I always was and your going to die you monster
Ivan runs up to Snide, holding his sword high up in the air ready to slash Snide's neck but was interrupted when a sudden blast made Ivan get pushed back.
Shelby: Finally I found you
Ivan: Shelby w-why did you come look for me
Shelby: So you wouldn't do anything stupid
Snide: Well well well if it isn't the pink ranger, thanks to you I'm not dead
Shelby: What?
Ivan: I was about to slash this monsters neck but then you blasted me
Ivan gets up from the floor but obviously feeling pain
Shelby: I'm sorry but it was for the best
Ivan: Pardon M'lady but how was you blasting me for the best?
Shelby: Because if I didn't Snide would have died and if he died then we wouldn't know where to get to Kendall
Ivan: I guess you're right
Shelby: Of course I am now Snide, tell us where Kendall is
Snide: Why should I
Shelby: Because if you don't you will suffer through a lot of pain other than Ivan's sword
Snide: Fine she's across the hallway
Shelby: Great, Ivan go and get Kendall
Ivan: I was going to anyways M'lady
Ivan goes across the hallway to find Kendall
Ivan: Kendall? Oh lord KENDALL!!
Ivan sees Kendall tied up to a chair still unconscious. He runs up to her and loosens the ropes keeping her tied up to the chair.
Ivan: Kendall can you hear me?
Ivan shakes Kendall to get her to wake up
Ivan: Kendall, KENDALL WAKE UP!!
Kendall slowly starts to wake up
Kendall: What? Where am I?
Ivan: Kendall, oh thank goodness you're awake
Kendall: Ivan? IVAN y-you're here
Ivan: Yes M'lady, I came to save you
Kendall: Y-you're awake.. you're alive
Ivan: Yes M'lady indeed I am a-
Before Ivan could finish his sentence Kendall jumped into his arms hugging him tight. Ivan hugs Kendall back.
Ivan: Well someone has missed me
Kendall: Heh of course I did
Ivan smiles at what Kendall said, his heart beating faster by the second. He was confused as to why he was feeling this way. Kendall on the other hand was so happy that Ivan was okay but her heart was also beating very fast since she's so close to Ivan right now.
Ivan: M'lady how long are we going to keep hugging
Kendall: Just a little longer
Ivan: Alright but we also need to get your energem
Kendall: You're right
Kendall breaks out of the hug turning to face Ivan. Ivan looks back at Kendall.
Kendall: Let's go get my energem
Ivan: Right
Kendall and Ivan both search the ship to find Kendall's energem.
Kendall: Ivan I found it
Ivan: Great let's go find the others now
Kendall: The others are here?
Ivan: Yes I'm afraid I forgot to mention them
Kendall: Well great let's go find them
Ivan: Alright follow me M'lady
Ivan and Kendall both go to find the other rangers

*Meanwhile with the other rangers*
Chase: Phew those Vivix sure out did themselves
Riley: Yeah well that's the last of them
James: Good cause I'm tired
Koda: Me too
Philip: Oh come on you can't be that tired that wasn't even a lot
James: Yeah well when you're young you tend to have a lot more energy
Philip: Oh come on you're not that old
James: I may not look like it but I am
Zenowing: Ok on a serious note has anyone notice that Shelby and Ivan still haven't come back yet?
Riley: True where could they be?
Chase: Who knows, all I know is that Shelby is pretty scary
Koda: Yes very scary
Philip: Yes I have to agree on that since she ordered us to fight the rest of these Vivixes
Riley: What other choice did we have we were surrounded
Philip: Yes but that tone she used was pretty scary
Chase: Women are a very scary species
James: You don't say
Chase: You of all people should know that you're married
James: I know but they can also be nice
Koda: Yes like Kendall
Philip: Very true my dear friend
Chase: Ok but she's also strict
Zenowing: Only because some of you like to goof around
Chase: Hey it's nice to goof around sometimes
Riley: Guys!! Enough with the side conversations can't you see we're not done with our mission yet
James: Yeah you're right sorry
Chase: Ok then let's go find them
Just then Ivan and Kendall spot the rest of the rangers and walk up to them
Ivan: Hey Fellows! I found Kendall and her energem
Chase: Ay mate nice one
Koda: Kendall!!
Kendall: Hey Koda and hello to everyone else
Koda: Kendall okay?
Kendall: Yes I'm okay Koda
Koda runs up to Kendall giving her a tight hug knowing his best friend is okay but while this was happening a certain gold ranger got a sense of jealousy deep within them.
Ivan: Ok well um I think it's time we get off this ship
Chase: Good idea, Riley teleport us back to the base
Riley: Hold on we're missing Shelby
Ivan: Oh you're right
From across a distance Shelby comes running towards everyone.
Shelby: Guys open the portal quick!!
Chase: You heard her open it
Riley opens the portal up
Riley: It's open
Shelby: Everyone go now HURRY!
The rangers: Yes ma'am
Everyone jumps into the portal finally leaving Snide's "spaceship"
Once the portal closes Snide appears
Snide: Well looks like they manage to get away but not for long since my new plan is coming into place just perfectly HAHAHA I WILL FINALLY WIN RANGERS JUST WATCH

End of Chapter 5

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