4:I meant it in another way.

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Storm's POV 

It's the next day and Arlo is with Koa getting her ready,  we are also starting to practice waking her up early so she could get used to it when she starts school. Yeah we started late but eh at least we did it. 

I was already dressed in a white cropped tank top, it was really high cut showing most of my stomach. I paired it with a  black sweatpants with white butterfly illustrations and wording. To set it all together I wore a pair of white sneakers and a black oversized jacket that I left open. 

I took time just staring at myself in the mirror, my body has really changed and even if it's been years for me to get used to it I'm still not over it. I have a lot of visible stretchmarks on my stomach that I hate to the highest extent of hatred, okay that's going too far I have a love hate relationship with it. I love that they came from a experience that gave life and I cherish that but it doesn't stop me from hating them. 

I did bounce back though, my stomach is exactly how it was before minus the marks. My titties got one size bigger and Arlo literally couldn't stop touching them and using them as a pillow at any time that she wanted.  My body in general got a little more full and I sometimes try to hide it with bagger clothes because I'm uncomfortable with the body I have. 

I was knocked out of my thoughts by arms wrapping around me. My eyes moved from my stomach's reflection to meet the eyes of Arlo.  She smiled at me with her fingers tracing my marks. 

"You know you're beautiful, like stunningly  gorgeous."  She smiled. her eyes shinning. 

"You're my girlfriend you have to say that." I laughed, turning around to my arms around her neck. 

"I don't have to say it love, I said it because it's true." I pressed my head to her chest feeling her steady beating heart. 

"Yeah, yeah okay." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to show you how beautiful you are tonight, over and over again." She leaned down whispering in my ear. 

She knew exactly what she was doing and the reaction it would get from me. Before this could escalate I stepped from out of her arms. 

"Before you start something that you know you can't finish we have places to be."

"You know for a fact I can finish everything I start. You've seen me do is numerous times." Her voice got raspier and her eyes low. 

 "Come on, let's go." I laughed walking out with her following me. 

We got to the living room where everybody was waiting. As we discussed yesterday Koa and Levi were coming with me and Rowan decided to go with Arlo to her club. Koa heard our footsteps and jumped off of Levi's lap and ran over to me. 

"Somebody is excited." I laughed picking her up. 

"Happy mommy." She smiled. 

"Well you see how excited she is, we should get going."  I said walking towards the door. 

They all walked behind of me, we got outside but Arlo made sure she locked and secured the house. There were two cars in the driveway, we had two main cars one as a family car that we would drive Koa in and the other one is just for the other people to use. But you know Arlo wouldn't be her if she didn't have more cars in the garage. 

She passed me the keys to the SUV, I opened it and before I placed Koa in the car I gave her to Arlo so they could say their goodbyes. 

"Have a good day munchkin. Be good for mommy and if you need me tell mommy, okay?" 

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