24: I'm all in with you.

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Arlo's POV

'Fuck' The only thought that came to my head. Y'all might be confused so let me enlighten you. Back in the day after my parents died and I was on my own with Levi family wise Rowan, Levi and I came up with phrases for different situations for if we were ever in trouble. 

'Black Hawk' means blast from the past, a person that can cause us problems in the future. Levi didn't disclose any more information over the phone, so I know she wants to discuss this in person and it's way safer that way. 

I felt a tugging on my arm, and it took me back to reality, I looked down and it was Arya. 

"Are you okay mama?" 

"I'm fine kiddo, said your goodbyes?" I asked.

"Yes." She nodded her head. 

"Okay then let's go home." She grabbed a hold on my hand and then we walked out together. When we got to the car she sat in the back, I made sure her seatbelt was secured then went to my seat. Although I sounded and looked alright in my head, I was wracking my brain trying to figure out who this person was that Rowan saw. 

Our past can be deemed messy and it's all because of our fucked-up parents. Yeah, mine weren't too bad but they were still fucked up in their thinking and practices. They made a lot of mistakes and brunt many bridges but that didn't happen on their own. Nah they got help from none other than the devil's themselves aka Rowan's parents. It's a really long story but you get the drift, right?

I don't get why all these problems are coming to us. First, we have to worry about this unknown person, now a blast from the past. Part of me wants to flee with my family to get them out of harm's way but I can't let them live in constant fear and always looking over their shoulders.

 I really want to send them all away until I've dealt with all of this but one, I'm selfish and I can't do without them and two I'm afraid that somebody will track them down and use them as bait for me and then do terrible things also I can't let them just uproot their lives especially since Levi just started school, Storm's working on her other location opening and the kids have built roots here. 

So, at this point I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, my best bet right now is to just up security. But we'll be alright, we have to be alright cause I'll be dammed if I let them win after everything I been through and the life I've built. 

Anyways we got home and Arya went straight to her room to take a shower and I went looking for Rowan. But in doing so I found Strom and Koa instead. 

"Mama." Koa's attention went to me, and she ran over with her arms out, I scooped her up and hugged her. 

"How are you little munchkin?"  

"Good, I got cupcake today." She smiled happily. 

"Aww I'm happy for you bubs." I kissed her cheek. 

"Are you going to talk to mommy about the thing now?" She asked whispering. 

"How about you go watch tv and i'll talk to mommy?" She nodded her head, and I placed her on her feet and watched her walk out. 

"You, okay? You look kind of out of it." Strom walked up behind of me wrapping her arms around me.

"Just a little stressed but I'll be okay." I said turning so I was now facing her. 

"You know you can talk to me about anything that's bothering you right? We're a team."  She said. 

"I know baby." I felt like I was lying to her. 

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