31: Daily reminder i'm not trying to die today but okay

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So, it's been a while, but a bitch is back for a lil update or whateva 😏. University has been trying to kick my ass and it got some good hits in but i'm back. 


Strom's POV

It's been a month since the whole conversation happened and since Arlo loved Sammy out of my house. It's been going good but i'm not 100% over the fact that Arlo has been disrespectful to me for so long and I let her walk over me because I believed her. I've been a little closed off with her and she's noticed but hasn't said anything. The only reason I know that she's noticed is because of her actions. 

Example, she would try to initiate sex but then I would push her away or just say no, i'm not in the mood and then she would be quick to catch an attitude. That's fine though instead of you trying to work on getting us back to a good place you want to whine like a baby that didn't get what they want. 

When it comes to Sammy well let's just say I got a little petty and I burned everything in that bedroom that she could have used. So, the mattress gone, the dresser gone, the headboard gone. All that shit, and then I used Arlo's credit card to buy new shit. Because it really wasn't my fault that this happened so why spend my own money. 

Today everybody practically split up and went to do their own thing. Levi is at school; she has these midterms coming up that she's been stressing about and because of that she's been going to these study sessions for them. Rowan is off doing whatever it is that she does, I wouldn't know if she's with Arlo or if she's dealing with her own business. Arlo is at the club, she said that some sort of shipments got messed up, so she has to deal with that for the whole day. 

So that leaves me, because Arlo was busy and same with Rowan and Levi, I took Koa to school. Arlo stupid ass suggested that Sammy could carpool and take Koa to school, and I didn't even say anything I just looked at her crazy and then threw my shoe. Cause she had me all the way fucked up.  I took my baby to school and picked her up in my new car. 

Yeah, you got that right. I got a new car, and no Arlo didn't get it for me. Well maybe you could say that because I was being petty again and I used her card to buy it. When she found out she couldn't even say shit to me because she knows that's what she gets. 

Now Halo and I are in the front of the bakery, today is a little slow and that's fine by me because i'm tired and to be honest i'm ready to close this up and go home. Halo is on the counter swinging her legs while happily eating a cupcake. The atmosphere felt all peaceful until my ears picked up the sound of the bell when the doors opens and then my eyes fell on the culprit. 

Rowan's incubator walked into the place like she owned it and I could tell she loved the attention because she was doing too much. Like lady relax but okay. Did I feel scared? Not for me but for my daughter, especially since I don't know what this woman came here for. Instead of going to one of the other open ordering booths at the counter she came straight to me. That is how I know that she was on some bullshit. 

"Hey baby, go to my office really quick and i'll be there soon." I told Koa lifting her off the counter and setting her down. 

She didn't ask any questions, instead she did what I said and walked off. Now to deal with this woman, just fucking great. I faced the front and relaxed my face and posture, acting normal. 

"You didn't have to send her off, I would have loved to say hello." She came up to me with a fake ass warm smile. Yeah, I can see through that shit. 

"Yeah, ain't no need for all that, I don't know you and she doesn't. My child doesn't speak to strangers." I folded my arms. 

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