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My mom and I welcomed the Cirillo, Evangeline didn't seem to be pleased either. She was glaring at me with the eyes of a eagle ready to eat a poor mouse. I smiled at her parents and shook their hands. Soon after more greetings I proposed to Evangeline to go on a walk. She accepted, even if she seem uninterested. Her mint green eyes looking up at me. I had grew taller than her, I brought her to the lake I used to always go, to have some kind of intimacy. Her expression softened and brightened at the view of the reflection of the sun on the beautiful lake that looked like a giant mirror. I didn't knew how to abord the subject, I scratched the side of my neck like a maniac, I might not like her but I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I sighed and looked at her with a serious expression.

- I have no interest in taking your hand.

Her eyes flicked to me, her expression turned into an amused look.

- Believe me I don't either, I want someone noble not a boy who only care about his future career as a general.

She almost threw the words at me like venom. I nibbled on my gold earring on my left hear. She looked at me up and down and was definitely judging me, she crossed her arms over her small chest.

- Well at least you're not too bad looking for a foreigner.

I smirked and lifted my eyebrow, she wasn't bad either but like I keep repeating, marriage was not for me. We heard the bushes crack, I moved her behind me while glaring at the bush. I could feel the stare of someone on me.

- Get out of there!

We waited a couple of second until two boys came out of the bush, full of shame like one of them looked strangely familiar while the other was a new face to my internal library of memories. I scrutinized the familiar boy, A spark of memory finally cleared in my head like a clear shiny diamond. It was the boy that was crying a while ago my eyes widened.

- You..

I was cut off by the unfamiliar boy kneeling to my feet. He was shaking, his hands clenched on each other like his life was at risk. I stepped back, startled by this strange attitude. Evangeline looked at the scene with disgust, the boys didn't seem like the richest with their dirty tunics, probably from kneeling under a bush like some stalker.

- We apologize!! We didn't meant to bother you, it's just so rare to see the son of Sirius taking girls on walk. We were curious.

The brunette boy that was on his knee had a loud voice. I didn't understand why he kneeled to me, I was no prince, no god, not even someone special. Obviously it was by fear but I never wanted to be feared by my own people. My eyes traveled to the long haired boy, his hair tied behind his head, some pieces falling over his face like a mess. My eyes went down on his legs, some bruises and scratches, unlike the other he wasn't kneeling, just standing, eyes dragged on the floor as if it was made of the prettiest stone ever.

- Get up, no need to do that I'm not a king or whatever your mind tells you. I said with a calm tone.

Evangeline stayed behind me, too afraid to touch these young men with her own hand. What if she caught a illness! The boy walked away and my eyes couldn't bring themselves off the long haired one. Evangeline scoffed.

- They were so ugly, Let's head back home my legs are tired!

I sighed and agreed, she insisted on me carrying her but I refused, after that she ignored me the entire time. I had to find a way to convince my mom and her parents to cancel this supposing wedding.

At home I laid on my bed, unable to sleep, the boy kept bothering me. Who was he? So much more questions rushing through my troubled mind. I felt like a vase of water that people were trying to over fill. I brought my thumb near my mouth before chewing on the skin of it. I wanted to sleep, fatigue overtaking my body, it was late night. After a while I managed to bring myself to sleep.

I woke up to Evangeline staring at me, hands on her hips. Her bright green eyes like two refined emeralds looking at the inside of my soul with judgement. I sat up and brushed my hand trough my hair to try to make them less messy. She went outside the room, I guessed that the breakfast was ready. My feet were kissing the floor without a break, walking was tiring. I sat at the table where my mom handed me a bowl of porridge with some fresh fruits on top and a slice of bread. I ate happily as if I was starving since three days. My mother smiled as she saw me enjoy my meal, she was talking with Evangeline's parents. Me and her exchanged a look, I swallowed my spoon of porridge hard and finally spoke.

- Me and Evangeline refuse to marry each other. I spoke loud enough to startled everyone.

My leg was jumping of stress, I hated the fact that I was the one who had to say it. Women couldn't give their opinion in arranged marriages. I had to devoid myself to prevent us an insufferable life with each other. Sir Cirillo flicked his eyes to his daughter and me back and fort before asking for a validation from his daughter. Evangeline nodded without hesitation, her soft pink lip tightly closed to not spill the food in her mouth. Our parents stared awkwardly at us, I knew what was coming already.

- And why so my dears? Her father asked incredulous.

I had to think of something, but Evangeline thought of something quicker.

- Orion likes a girl from this city. She said firmly.

I choked on my porridge and gave her a look of anger. She side eyed me with a small look of apologizes. It's true that if I loved another woman they were more likely to rethink the wedding. Cirillo tapped his finger on his forehead thinking then sighed in defeat. If I didn't want to he couldn't force me, unlike his daughter. I sign of relief both rushed to me and Evangeline. Later that day I helped them pack their things and they left soon enough, I was hoping my mom wouldn't try any other attempt to marry me to a girl I didn't showed interest in, but after all I never showed interest in anyone. I guess my heart already married that battle field.

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