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I was contemplating the white snow falling, it was now too cold to train outside. Our leather sandals now had a piece of clothe under, to prevent from getting cold. It didn't work that much but it was better than nothing. Most people were gathered around fire places at the diner hall like desperate dogs. I stared down at my feet. Training had became exhausting with the cold temperatures, all my limbs felt numb. I brought my hand close to my mouth to blow in them. With how painful my head felt I guessed that I had caught a cold. I heard someone come near, it was Isidor, his gaze softened as he saw me sitting by a window.

-I was searching for you. He said, his voice was sweet and calm.

I hummed in answer, my sight went back to the window. I missed being outside on the warm sun. Isidor sat next to me, his hand touched my leg.

-God, you're freezing! He added.

I moved my head on the side, I didn't knew if he was worried or mad. I never understood people, I was bad at it. My lunatic side didn't help either, I kept daydreaming and assimilating things that were randoms. My father used to say it added some color to life, even if I often did not know what to say. Right now I felt too tired and freezing to even talk, I looked at Isidor. He got up and came back with a blanket of fur. Probably mine or his, either way I didn't mind, he scooped my legs and moved them to the side before sitting close to me and covering me with the warm blanket. something in my stomach felt tingly, as if hundreds of spiders were crawling up and down inside of me. He smiled slightly, my eyes felt heavy, I closed them and laid my head on his shoulder. Since he didn't made any move to make me get off I guessed that he didn't mind, but he was a naturally shy boy. Scared to affirm his feelings or discomfort, I looked up.

- Do you mind? I asked, almost whispering.

He shook his head, his cheeks were darker than usual, maybe because of the coldness.

-Not at all. He replied with a flustered expression.

I smirked a bit and closed my eyes again before dozing off. Or maybe I thought, if I did so it wasn't for long. I felt like I was being stared at and opened my eyes. My father was standing in front of me with a clothe in his hands, his eyes flicked over Isidor who remained as quiet as a mouse.

- I bought you something warm. His voice was stiff and cold.

I was still mad at him, mad that he hid my mother's death from me to preserve me the sadness. Mad that he wrote all these fake letters pretending to be her, It's been a month already but My rage was still burning. I got up and grabbed Isidor's arms, I was not ready to talk to him yet, I understood that he wanted to make me avoid the pain to lose her so quickly but It would've been less hurtful. I felt betrayed by my own father. Isidor was always tense around my dad and didn't talk until I dragged him more far into the castle. I could feel the eyes of my dad staring at us as I walked away. He didn't quite like Isidor but I had no care for his opinion, he thought he was too weak yet and made me lack my efforts. It was dumb, I decided to bring Isidor inside the kitchen, the cook greeted  me, happy to see me. I hadn't came to see him in some times. I sat on two chairs with Isidor, the cook didn't mind us and kept singing a song I did not recognize. I wasn't familiar with songs or music in general, they weren't unpleasant just not in my list of things I enjoyed. Isidor seem to recognize and enjoy the song as he was slowly and briefly swinging his head to the singing voice. I stared at him, he didn't seem to be freezing, some signs told me he was cold, like his legs firmly closed to prevent his between legs to get cold and his cheeks, softly reddish. I took off the blanket from my shoulders and handed it to him, he declined.

- I can see that you're sick. My siblings used to be sick all the time during that time of the year, I was the one taking care of them. Beside, It isn't that cold from me! He shout.

I believed every of his words, I made my own research on him, he was intriguing to me. Apparently his family wasn't that rich, winters must have been painful for them. I nodded, A little bit of guilt building inside of me. The cook turned to the small table we were at and handed us two bowls rabbit broth, it smelled delicious. He brightly smiled at us.

- Dont be shy! His voice echoed in the kitchen.

-Thank you!! Me and Isidor said in harmony.

He laughed and went back to his cauldron. Making food for a lot of hungry men must be tiring. Isidor looked happy and smiled and he brought the bowl to his lips. I watched carefully, he slowly slurped the warm liquid, savoring every drop of it. His dark amber lips, looked soft and sweet. My eyes drifted back to my own bowl before I took it and enjoyed the broth too. The savor of chopped carrots and potatoes mixed with herbs and rabbit felt like heaven. It reminded me my mother's cooking, I smiled. Her death hurt me deeply but I'll never forgive her and her tender smiles. The habit that she had to always show me her books of medicine and herbs. My eyes widened, the books, I remembered the book that I found in the box. The ones I was avoiding like the plague, scared of the  emotions it might brought. I'll give it a look later tonight, Isidor had already finished, he must be hungry, I wasn't too hungry and softly pushed my bowl to him. His eyes went to me not sure, I nodded before smiling, he smiled back happily and finished my bowl. I liked to see him happy, a strong feeling was slowly growing inside of me.

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