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It was time for the visit, once a week someone of your family or your fiance was allowed to come visit you, normally my mom would come but this time she didn't. I wasn't mad, she probably had something important to do. I was gonna head back to the dorm until I saw Isidor crying. It was a silent crying, his expression was as empty as the heart of Phalaris. I hesitated but decided to go see him, when he noticed me getting near his eyes widened before he looked away and wiped away a tear. I sat next to him on the cold floor of the castle. The stone was hard for the bones of my ass, I was looking straightforward, scared to meet his gaze. We both stayed quiet for a while.

- Nobody came to visit? He asked, his voice a little raspy from the crying.

I smirked a little and shook my head before turning to him.

- What about you? I demanded in a soft voice.

His expression twisted a bit, probably from frustration and sadness. He took a deep breath as he thought of an answer , I watched his rib cage and shoulder rise slowly before going down. His body was quite big, I'm sure that if he trained a lot he would have much of muscle. He had the body for it. Wide shoulders making a small inverted triangle with his upper body. His hands slightly bigger than mine, probably from working. It was a surprise for myself to see how he grew, he was way more skinny and slim from the first time I saw him. His hair tied in a low ponytail that was brushed to the side of his neck. His Adam's apple clearly visible, and collar bone defined.

- My parents don't really like me. They don't care about what I become. They forced me to come here to get rid of me. His voice was holding sadness and anger.

He looked like a injured dog afraid to approach anyone. I looked at him with empathy, everyone deserved the love of a parent. A flash of memory went back to me, the first time I met him, when I saw him get hit and just kept walking. Guilt rushed through me. I don't know what to say, I never had that kind of conversation with anyone.

- Do you have a friend? I asked, what a weird question after what he just confessed.

- Only one... his name is Samuël, I think you saw him once, when we were stalking you and your girlfriend...

He said as he looked away ashamed. I glanced at him before making a disgusted expression. Evangeline?? My girlfriend?? Never in any alternate dimension. I laughed awkwardly and shook my hand dramatically.

- She's not my girlfriend!

He laughed a little at my so sudden panic. After that we sat again in silence, I started to think about multiple legend that I heard. Everything around me became blurry, Picturing multiple famous monsters fighting each others. I stayed there maybe 30 minutes until we were called to go train, my favorite part of the day.

The youngest fought first, My eyes were wandering lazily around the arena as I sat on a stone platform. Warmed up by the burning sun, I wasn't even moving and already sweating like crazy. My father was watching the new coming young warrior with his usual stiff expression that scared many. I knew that it was just a mask, he was the sweetest man I ever knew. My eyes then located to Isidor who was fighting another boy, Isidor blocking most of the attacks and barely attacking back. A small look of fear in his eyes, I raised my eyebrows, he really wasn't the greatest of his wave. I stood up from the platform and went to my father. He looked at me with an intrigued look, I smiled at him. He knew I wanted something and was waiting for me to ask it, I pointed at Isidor.

- This boy, I want to train with him. I said firmly.

My father looked at me weirdly, I could feel the bit if judgement he gave to Isidor as he watched him fight.

- Him? Is this a joke, he's probably the worst of his rank. My dad said a hint of amusement in his tone.

I nodded, of course I knew that, that's why I wanted to help him get better. If we entered in war soon he would get eaten up alive by the ennemies.

- That's the point, I'll help him get better, Please.

My father sighed, it was rare for me to ask anything. He shouted at Isidor. Isidor jumped at the mention of his name. He turned toward my father and noticed me, his gaze softened a bit. My dad motioned him to come closer and he obeyed quickly, it was funny to see him quickly walk rapidly toward us, all tensed up. My dad took a wooden sword and threw it to me. The younger boy stared back and fort between me and my dad confused, I took his arm and dragged him a little more far. He didn't say anything, as quiet as a corpse yet as warm as the flame of a freshly lighted up candle. I dragged him to a large tree, the shadow of it would protect us from the warm sun of Greece. I motioned him to get en garde, I watched him clumsily hold on to the sword, I sighed and got closer before showing him how to properly hold it. Middle, fourth and his little fingers holding tightly onto it as the thumb and index were placed on the hilt of the sword. He stared down at my hands as I helped him place his fingers, he was watching closely, his smokey dark chocolate brown eyes slowly following the movement of my own hands. When I was done I smiled proud of myself, he gave me a quick look with the side of his eyes. I stopped smiling awkwardly before I went back in position to my spot. I took the sword on the floor and placed myself, My eyes stared at him. I wanted him to make the first move, when he understood he swung the sword that I easily blocked, I quickly attacked back making him stumble back. His eyes were wide open, he was not expecting such a quick hit back. I decided to go quicker, he was blocking the attacks none stop. It was getting boring so I made him trip on his back. I was about to maintain him on the floor that he quickly swung and hit the side of my ribs. I groaned at the sudden pain rushing through me and kneeled while holding my ribs. He dropped his sword and came to check on me. I took the opportunity to push him back and get on top of him, holding his arm with my legs pressed on them. He squirmed under my hold. I smiled in victory, I was more skilled but he was stronger, he twisted his body and made me fall on the side before grabbing the sword and holding it up. I frowned angry and punched him in the face. He fell off me as he held his cheek, I was breathing heavily, like an enraged wild animal. His face was red from the punch. I felt a little bad...

- Sorry. A bit of guilt in my voice, barely noticeable.

He shook his head to say it was okay.

- your ribs, are they fine?

He worried about my ribs when I just punched him in the face? My heart softened a bit, I felt like wax that was warmed up at a high temperature. My ribs hurt a bit but beside a bruise it would be okay, I nodded to confirm I was okay. He sighed in relief and sat on his ass.

At night I couldn't sleep, I often had trouble to sleep but only because my mind wouldn't shut the fuck up. I turned on my side to see Isidor staring at me, it scared my soul out of my body. I was surprised that I didn't scream. He looked at me with an empty expression, he couldn't sleep either I guessed, it was awkward to stare at him like that, I wanted to break this heavy dead moment.

- Are we .. friends? I asked whispering.

He seem confused by my question and nodded briefly. I gave him a mouth corner smile before turning on my back again. I had a friend, he was weird, clumsy and confusing sometimes but I was grateful.

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