Chapter 1: Welcome to the War Hawks Mess, Calhoun

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(The year is 1811) Henry Clay POV:

A new representative walked through the doors of our boarding house. We are known as the "War Hawks" because we all support war with Britain. Anyway, the new guy. 

"Hello, I apologize for being late. My cousin was giving birth," he said. His voice was monotonous, yet somehow charming, with a thick southern accent. I sprang into action, wasting no time to greet this man.

"Oh that's not an issue at all. It's nice to meet you. My name is Henry Clay, and yours?" I asked, genuinely excited to get to know him.

"My name is John Calhoun. It's nice to meet you as well," he replied. The other men introduced themselves as well, and showed Mr. Calhoun around the house. 

"Welcome to the War Hawks Mess, Calhoun. We eat, sleep, vote, and party together," I said, excitedly as I pour myself a glass of brandy. 

John Calhoun POV:

Mr. Clay seems to be very excited about my arrival for some reason. He's very charming though, charismatic, with a smooth voice. Even though he was only a freshman representative, like me, he found himself in the position of Speaker of the House. Almost immediately upon my arrival, Clay threw a party. Drinks were served, card games were played, Clay started to play the fiddle. He was very talented, even though he was probably drunk at the time. 

End of Chapter 1. (NOTE: I try my best to be historically accurate, but I may get some things wrong. This is a fanfiction, even though I did some research)

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