Chapter 4: Please... call me Henry

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(LOL time skip to 1814) Clay POV:

I woke up hungover to Calhoun throwing a pillow at my head.

"Mr. Clay, it's noon, and everything with the war has gone to hell," Calhoun almost shouted.

"Please... call me Henry," I mumbled.

"A first-name basis does not change the fact that it's noon and you just woke up."

"Yeah yeah, so what John?" I saw the usually stoic man cringe at the use of his first name. I sat up, even though I was still drowsy from the alcohol. I got pretty close to his face. I could see the fine lines on his face. I also noticed we had a height difference of one inch. My nose touched his, delicately. He wrinkled his nose in shock, I laughed.

"Shut up. The president's house is literally on fire," Calhoun yelled.

"Maybe war wasn't such a good idea," 

(Wow that was short)

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